This enchanted axe has a somewhat conventional appearance, being more akin to a woodcutters axe then a battleaxe.
To the wielder, all magic becomes visible to some degree, visualized as plants and trees - although with features hinting at their nature. This tends to follow the cultural expectations - humans would generally see beneficial effects as beautiful flowers, while black magic would appear more like thorn bushes, ugly giant mushrooms, etc.
Only long duration or permanent magic is seen this way - magic which has come and gone is not visible. Beings with magical effects or with magical natures will appear enshrouded by plant-life - vines, tendrils, leaves.
An effect will also have a visible tie to its caster or creator - roots which disappear into the ground, vines which extend up and out of view, etc. These can be targeted by the wielder as well, and cutting them could interrupt a spell or remove the caster's control over it.
This plant life can be attacked with the axe, damaged and destroyed, though this is not without risk. Spells provide unique dangers to the bearer of the axe, and may be able to strike back.
The more powerful the spell, the more likely it will fight.
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? Responses (8)

3.5/5 Pretty neat!!!

Very original.

Cool visual! 'I'm waist-deep in Flora here, fellas! Someone take the Lich out already!'
I guess i find myself pondering the mechanics of 'fighting' the spells/plants.
Nice one!

I would play it as a battle only the axe wielder and the spell could participate in.
*** D&D Speak Follows :) ***
A spell would get stats based on the level of the spell - HP and AC, with both improving by level.
0-2nd level spells would count as an object, so you just need time to chop through them unopposed.
3-5th Have 'physical' attacks to defend themselves, causing invisible damage to the axe-wielder.
6-9th Have special attacks and likely to preemptively 'attack' the axe wielder if they come close.
Probably the easiest would be to take a monster of the appropriate level, removing their movement abilities and re-skinning them as the spell. Monsters with minimal special defenses would probably make the most sense.
Other characters might be able to help if they have spells that can interact with spells. Or if you allow multiple weapons in your world with this ability.
I think this is a more interesting approach to removing spells then just the Dispel Magic spell.

Righto, makes sense. Was also thinking a gm with occasional ocd (me), can actually use the wide world of 'flora monsters' for this too. 0-2 level Kampfult, etc... :)

I like! It opens the door to a whole new version of magic. Spellhunters can equip gear like this, that lets them see spells. They hunt rogue spells, or work teamwork style to bring down powerful enchanters and magic creatures.

To be honest, I like this a fair bit. I would've given it a 4 except that the bits at the end invite a lot of questions from me and leave me quite unsatisfied. But I get Cult of Done, just a pity for this particular idea.

You can have entire adventures based on this. Some kind of magical catastrophe that the team has to hunt down. With all kinds of interesting visuals.