“ Dustwood is technically not a wood from a specific tree. It is an created fuel for fires.
Starting with the sawdust from a sawmill, adding a mixture of wax or pitch, and a few other things, the mixture is pounded or pressed toghether tightly. It is normally smashed into a round container, so when it is slipped out, it looks like a small perfectly round 'log'. (actually a lathed log, but you get the idea). It can either be used as a log or slices of a log can be used for a fire.”
“ Patterns in surnames: There are many ways a surname could have evolved over centuries. One possibility is migration. A Roman name may have traveled to France and hence to England where it was later Anglicized. Case in point - the surname Lawrence went from Laurentius (Roman) to Laurent (French) to Lawrence (English) and then to Lowry (Scottish). There is also natural etymological evolution. For example, a Middle English spelling may have evolved to a modern English spelling (e.g. Stiward to Stewart). Where did your character's Surname come from?”
“ A continent is home to large, leathery flying beasts with a wingspan of over 70ft. Though shy, herbivorous and easily scared, it is possible that an enterprising person could domesticate them. They would be useless in war due to their timidity, but excellent if used for commercial air travel.”