Full Item Description
No more carrying all those keys, picks, incriminating tools, bottles of acid, and a healer for when all those things still leave you setting off whatever dastardly trap the GM came up with THIS time. The Skeleton Key is the Master master key, bespelled with a morphing spell and carved from precious ivory, able to unlock any door, chest, strongbox, and, occasionally, the manacles chaining you to the prison wall (and the cell door, and the gate, and the....). Only one thing, most DMs won't let you have one, or at least not for a reasonable price. Not to mention the traps they'll come up with when this gets out.

This item is history in the making, so either one of the players, or one of you ‘persons of limited destiny' (NPCs), need to introduce it into the game.

Magic/Cursed Properties
The function is simple, it's a key that fits any lock, but the uses are endless, unlawful activities, absent-minded fellows who hate carrying around dozens of keys that all look the same, et cetera. Like the description says, it fits anywhere.

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