Prince Reza Ironfist
Prince Reza Ironfist is an interesting kid who will make an interesting hostage for ransom - but tough to keep under lock and key - Think Macaulay Culkin's character in Home Alone but muchly toned down.
Special Equipment:
A rather worthless looking feather amulet which allows his parents to keep track of his whereabouts at all times.
A very timid looking child who have a certain aura of authority around him. The prince is timid because he's a born deaf mute - But since he is the heir apparent, the Royal family has made a great deal of effort to conceal the fact. Rather minuscule in stature but upon being endangered can fight viciously like a demonically posessed person. Slithers rather than walks, but is able to move noiselessly even though he have received no training for that. The prince survived being bitten by a werewolf at the age of five, which means he's a lycanthrope. This character will make an interesting hostage for ransom but tough to keep under lock and key.
Prince Reza Ironfist is the eldest and only son of King Ragnar Ironfist - which makes him the heir apparent to the Throne since there were no other contenders to the throne. When the Queen was pregnant, there was a poisoning attempt which the queen survived. By the time the Prince have become a toddler it was apparent that he isn't normal - Testing done by the Kingdom's Head Wizard divulged the fact that the Prince was a deaf mute. The King and Queen were distraught about that but luckily since this has been discovered early on, they can conceal the knowledge from most people.
Out on a hunting party with the King and the rest of the Royal household the year he turned five, Prince Reza was bitten by a werewolf - but he survived the ordeal - Which means he's a lycanthrope.
Roleplaying Notes:
The prince is a lycanthrope which means he is immune to most magic. He has the ability to move about noiselessly and can fight like a demonically posessed person when his life is endangered. He is rather timid looking but has a strange aura of command about him.
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? Responses (4)
The Lycanthropic regeneration should give him back his voice and his hearing. It is probably responsible for his aura of command. He is now an Alpha beast and has the confidence knowing that he can take on any physical threat and most social ones.
He may not be speaking because he does not have to. He may have a more animalistic view of speaking, i.e. communicate only when there is something truly important to say. Day to day chatter has no place for him.
Because of intrigues at his court, he is possibly keeping the fact he can now hear (and speak) a secret. He is also keeping his lycanthrope a secret. Someone, a trusted advisor of his father probably, knows the truth and is helping him keep it a secret and hushing things up.
By the time it becomes apparent that he is not a deaf mute, he will have a treasure trove of secrets to work with. People will talk around him, thinking he can not hear them. With his superhuman senses, he will have a commanding knowledge of what is going on around him and in the entire castle. His skill at controling his morphic abilities will probably mature about the same time. This means he can deal with certain forces, as needed, without tarnishing the Crown. (Gasp.. he was torn apart by a beast unknown? We shall hunt for this beast. (and of course fail in finding it.))
This will make him a formitable king when dealing with his own court and outside forces. His secret advantages will give him edges. As long as everything except the lycanthrope is revealed, he will just seem as a knowledgable and wise king.
I don't know what the whole Macauly Culkin, 'hard to keep under lock-and-key' deal had to do with it- it was not even mentioned except in the description.
Still, I shall give it a...
Capn, I think it's meant: If someone catches him as a child thinking he will be worth a pretty penny with ransom, and locks such a weak child in a small, wooden cage, Won't they be surprised when the boy changes form and bursts out of it?
A nice little character. 4/5
I like the idea, especially Moons additions to the idea. Perhaps he is still mute simply because he regained his use of vocal chords too late (perhaps not) and so cannot talk without calling attention to his state.