Full Item Description
Portable door knockers can come in any shape or size really as long as they have two things in common. A flat hinge piece which connects to the door, and the knocker.

The most basic ones are simply just that flat piece and a brass ring, however it's not unheard of someone making one that looks like a lion or other majestic or frightening creature to add a sense of style to their doors.

The sales pitch often used to sell these to anyone willing to cough up the money for one is surprisingly accurate as this item really was created by a mage who despite all the dangers he had survived in his life was very sensitive. Knocking on doors would often leave him with sore fingers, and in the case of the young fop he had for a neighbor who would often have loud parties, it would leave him unheard as well.

Not wanting to be rude enough to use his magic in an overly intrusive manner to catch people's attention when knocking on their doors, the mage enchanted a door knocker he had laying around for this very use.

Magic/Cursed Properties
When the flat piece of this device is placed against another flat surface, the item attaches itself as if firmly secured by screws though there is actually nothing holding it place other then the magic of the item.

Though made for a door knocker, there has been cases of giants using decorative ones as a form of body jewelry.

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