Full Description
Night eyes are tiny, delicate, pale blue flowers with white stigma. They only open at night, and have a unique tendency to point to the mid-point between the two moons.
Even when the night eyes plant is moved, the flowers still point to the moons, but it may take a few hours for them to turn to the correct point. Night eyes will continue to point towards them until just before dawn.
Additional Information
It is worth noting that the flowers do not bloom if neither moon is visible in the sky. This facinating property can potentially be used to tell time, or for navigation, but the plant is far to delicate to the survive rough handling that may be needed for such endeavours.
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? Responses (7)

It is a good flower. Since it can not be rough handled, it eliminates its usefulness. However, putting said plant under a glass dome should make it sturdy enough to avoid having issues.

short and simple but original. any explanation as to why it doesnt like the sun?

These plants require shady areas. They tend to dry out quickly in the sun.

Also, they attract the nightly insects to carry their pollen. Yet another ecological niche that got to be exploited.

Nice.I like it.

Cool piece of detail! Awesome!

Lovely, evocative, flower. Manfred's comment makes me ponder 'night pollen' as a potential spell component. And of course can picture cults/followers of lunar deities, with fields of these delicate flowers around their holy sites.