Full Description

These creatures look like miniature dragons, and are as fierce in the fight as them too. They are named after the jungles they inhabit. And though they aren't big, or even really dragons, their name is well earned. Little larger than a vulture, when full grown, this flying lizard perfers to scavenge its food rather than hunt.

Additional Information

They possess an extremely dangerous bite, the toxins in it work by rapidly dissolving the flesh, as if it is rotting on the bone. But a poison this powerful is hard to make, and the tax that it puts on their body means that many of them won't use it except as a last resort. They are also very light sensitive, they live in the dark nether regions of the jungle, and as such have extremely light receptive eyes. Even simple daylight will hurt their eyes.

They're extremely effecient scavengers, possessing acids in their stomach that could dissolve dragon hide. And as such, they are often seen eating the parts of the carcass that any other animal would leave. If one of these get to a kill first it will often gorge itself, and then, too heavy to fly away, will haul itself a safe distance to digest its food.

They're also used for hawking by the elves in the southern parts of the jungle, the swamplands of Wyrarth. Trained from birth, there are many ledgends about them forming an empathic, or even telepathic bond, with their handlers. These little monsters were the scourge of the Ilmin soilders during that ill-fated offensive.

Generally they are solitary creatures, shunning contact with any others of their species. The reason for this might be because, though a large amounts of creatures die every day in the jungle, they are often set upon so quickly by the numerous scavengers of the lower jungle that it would be hard to support a large amount of creatures in any one area.

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