Holey Stones are a lucky find. One may not 'look' for them as they only seem to appear when one is not looking. They can be anywhere, though most often along the shores of lakes,streams or other water places.

They have the property of allowing the owner to look through the hole in the center and know the animal nature of the person they are seeing. A viewed person will show his or her true nature, ie weasel,cow,bear,deer, rabbit. Also, Holey Stones will help to ground the owner in uncertain circumstances and a quick viewing through the center will show if the owner is in the presence of magical glamour or illusions.

The Stone will eventually be lost, they never stay with one owner forever. One day the owner will find the chain or thong broken and the stone has disappeared.

Magical Properties:

Looking through the hole, one can know the animal nature of one's associates and also discern whether one is in the prescence of magical illusion or glamours. (As opposed to being eaten by a more solid apparition or spell.)

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Cheka Man
? Community Contributions (1)-1

When blessed and tied with an iron nail at the center, the stone can detect the presence of fey creatures and fairy paths, as well as shapechangers such as lycanthropes.