“ Whale's Jaw is a crumbling stone monument that was once in the form of a skeletal whale. Many years have past since the construction of Whale's Jaw and these days all that can be seen in the 'jaw' jutting from the earth as if it is yearning for a final glimpse of sunlight before taking a plunge into the earth.
All around The Jaw are remains of oddly formed and weathered structures. They seem to have been smoothed and tumbled by severe rain or ocean currents. <em>Most say it is just another Wonder of The World, a mystery we will never know the answer to, but some know differently... I know differently...</em>”
“ People argue about the true form of the beasts known as 'Bloodtouches', since they seem to take dozens of forms. Unfortunately, their bite's effect isn't in doubt. Anyone bitten by the bright crimson beasts rapidly loses all hair; their skin color shifts to bloody red. Many people fear those under this curse; villages of blood-skinned outcasts huddle in the wilds.”
“ A powerful wizard that the PCs encounter is completely silent. He does not speak and cannot be heard as he moves. Even his spells are silent, but his magic is just as potent.
He has a tendency to summon invisible chairs, place foes in invisible boxes of force, and other 'mime tricks'.”