In the sandy, burning-hot Olediir Desert, there is a volcanic mountain range, a spine of black peaks that thrust 20,000 feet into the blue desert sky. These peaks, while imposing on the approach, house one of the world's greatest wonders, the Glass Mountain.

The Glass Mountain, the highest of these mountains, was once a massive volcano of black igneous stone, rough and unpolished. But during the largest eruption, which heralded the volcano's extinction, a combination of heat, lava, and stone covered much of the slopes of the mountain with smooth, green, crystalline glass, beautiful to the eye, and sharp.

Soon after this eruption, the Great Pilgrimage of the Zerodines, the followers of the prophet Zerod, came wandering across the sands. They had walked for six days through the Desert, with no water or food, chased by the warriors of the Waramachian Magocracy, when Zerod beheld the shining Glass Mountain on the horizon. Thinking, incorrectly, that the green of the slopes was foliage and trees, Zerod proclaimed "There lies our Paradise!" When they arrived at the Mountain, they were dissapointed to find that there were no trees, but their dissapointment was soon abated when they discovered the Caldera Lake.

The eruption that had formed the green glass had also blown away the top of the mountain, forming a nearly perfectly circular valley with a floor of shining colored glass and a lake of condensed steam in the middle. The chemicals of the eruption slowly bled out of the lake and into the desert, making it into perfectly drinkable water.

The Zerodines settled on the shores of the lake and built a small settlement on the shore of the lake. Soon, small caravans travelled out, bringing shipments of beautiful volcanic glass to sell to cities outside of the desert. With money came more merchandise, and the city of Glass Mountain became what it is today: A bustling desert metropolis on the shores of the Caldera Lake.

The city doesn't need walls, for the walls of the caldera are enough. The city is protected by the Zerodine Guard, an army of warriors armed with weapons made from the glass. In fact, the glass is the city's greatest asset, and caravans go regularly, carrying glass and glass weapons to all points across the land.

Glass Mountain is also known for it's temples, for Zerod proclaimed that all the gods should be worshipped in their own way.

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