Special Equipment:


Zal-Ghombvis is not permitted to be looked upon by anyone except for it's 'daughter', Kagga'xursh-Tal, which divided from it four-thousand years ago. It is quite disturbing to look upon, being a mass of roiling green, blue and yellow slime. Hundreds of tall, hard, horn-like structures that have a small opening at the top protrude from the mass and vent roiling clouds of yellowish steam. The Emperor can change the shape of it's slime at will, forming limbs and faces and any other sort of object it would like. However, it has not moved in over ten-thousand years, ruling over the Empire of B'Gazzi as a mysterious, unseen potentate. Zal-Ghombvis is asexual, and, because of it's bizzare and maddening appearance, it speaks through it's 'daughter', the shape-changer, Kagga'xursh-Tal. Zal-Ghombvis is a powerful and potent psionic, who uses his formidable psychic powers from his Forbidden Imperial Chamber.


One-million years ago, in the center of the distant star Tyalzoth, the demonic madness-being Xagor spawned a creature known as Zal-Ghombvis. This being, which at first appeared as a multi-headed dragon-like monster, winged it's way across the empty void, ruling and then devouring each planet which came it's way. However, it soon came to the a planet where dwelt a race of godlings known as the Dorlyans, who were ruled by the mighty High Warrior, Gackt. So, when Zal-Ghombvis descended upon the this world, riding upon a comet's tail, the Dorlyans scryed it out and converged on it, attacking him with their mighty powers. They were no match for Zal-Ghombvis, however. Soon, the only Dorlyan standing upon the bloody fields of the Dorlyan planet was Gackt. All of Zal-Ghombvis's heads were severed from it's body and it's limbs torn to mangled shreds. The fight was still mighty, however, and in the end Zal-Ghombvis devoured Gackt alive and kept his consciousness to torture him for eternity. But, wounded beyond belief, Zal-Ghombvis changed bizarrely, reverting to the nucleoid state that it currently holds. So, as the battle had destroyed the Dorlyan planet, Zal-Ghombvis leapt into space and sought out the planet that is our World. Descending down on it's surface while our planet was still being experimented on by the Gods, Zal-Ghombvis lay dormant in it's core for twenty-thousand years until seeping to the surface and devouring an unsuspecting community above, a city of elves, using their brains to gain information about the world as it now was. Then, Zal-Ghombvis flew among the clouds until it found a small human state. Using it's psionic powers from the atmosphere, it implanted a suggestion in the leaders of the humans and convinced them that it, as a godling, was their Lord and Emperor. So began the fifteen-thousand year Empire of B'Gazzi.

Roleplaying Notes:

-Zal-Ghombvis is an extremely powerful, alien being which is on no good terms with any mortal. It considers all mortals to be 'filth' and 'insects'.
-It's 'daughter', Kagga'xursh-Tal, which is actually a being that split from Zal-Ghombvis (It reproduces like a cell, by division), is an extremely powerful shapechanger, and usually takes the form of a very beautiful female elf in jewelled Imperial garb when it must be an ambassador for Zal-Ghombvis's wishes.
-If the PCs intend to destroy Zal-Ghombvis, they may need the power of the ancient Dorlyans on their side, in the form of itm=100

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