The croc-a-pult is an ingenious invention used by some of the more creative tribes of Lizard folk. It is a modified version of the standard catapult, with a sling designed for holding the long, narrow body of a crocodile and a mechanism for lowering it to ground level so the specially trained beasties can crawl onto it. Aiming and firing the croc-a-pult requires a great level of skill. It is essential that the reptiles spin in full rotations so that they will land on their bellies, ready to spring into action.

The crocs and the croc-a-pult operators receive a great deal of training. The operators, affectionately called "croccers", work with rock-packed, long leather bags until they gain a minimum level of competence. Strong bonds are formed between "croccers" and their crocs. The crocs themselves are wrapped up in padded leather jerkins and given a quick-release strap that is placed between their teeth. With a simple sideways tug of the strap the jerkin falls away and they are ready for action.

A favored tactic is to hide a dozen or more croc-a-pults behind a low hill or a wall of vegetation and then launch the critters over an advancing army's shield wall. The crocodiles will then happily go to work, causing chaos in the enemy ranks as they tear into any nearby soldier. Armies have been known to scatter at the sight of spinning crocodiles flying through the sky.

Many tribes hold annual croc-a-pult competitions. As many kobolds as can be captured are put into pens. The team to successfully land the most crocodiles in a pen becomes the winner. Predictably, kobolds become very nervous during that time of year.


The croc-a-pult was invented out of desperation when a small tribe of Lizard Folk, living at the edge of a swamp, were nearly overrun by a human army. A human noble, named Lord Hallen, had declared a crusade against the swamp dwellers and their serpentine gods. He vowed to rid the swamps of their filthy, heretical ways, by means of the just and mighty wrath of the All-Seeing Kelvannath. Rumors of a lost city deep within the swamp containing great riches played no part in the attempted cleansing.

The courageous warleader Uss'Rak hit upon the concept of the croc-a-pult while watching the humans try to trundle their great siege engines across whatever solid ground they could find. Scattering the accursed army became a matter of surprise tactics (including the croc-a-pult), serpentine persistence, and human stupidity.

During the annual croc-a-pult competitions, the foresight of Uss'Rak is celebrated by great amounts of alcohol.

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