After many failures the leading computer company of the 30th Century has finally developed an economic biological chip computer.
Full Item Description
Biocircuitry has been a mainstay for rich and powerful organizations spanning both the federal and corporate sectors for decades, but the costs and required space and upkeep has limited such technology to stationary facilities, warships, and mining frigates. But a new breakthrough in genetics engineering and human interface has rendered the benefits of these awe-inspiring systems available to individuals in a portable, low cost form. A new player in the game, Muse Microsystems has spent the last four years in incredible secrecy consulting with experts and professors from fields as diverse as comparative anatomy and metallurgy and inexpressible amounts of resources developing the Bio-Bit 3k personal computational system. Utilizing GenEn tech to develop a plant-like hybrid biological processing core, enveloping it in specially concocted chemical gels to nourish, stabilize, and protect the core, then using modified automated microsurgical equipment to bond the mass to the superconductive alloy shell Muse has managed to produce a manageable, if bulky, processing core that computes more information faster than conventional solid state systems can handle. The downside is that even while not in use the biocore consumes the gel, and consumption increases with activity. This limits the life of the core to a few weeks at best with common use, as when the gel supply is exhausted the biomatter quickly rots and breaks down into acidic compounds that slowly dissolve the casing. But the core will not activate until its first use, so it has an indefinite shelf life. This coupled with its capabilities and low cost will see it used by many. There have already been orders made by several teams involved in the upcoming Tael system nebula racers competition.
Plot Hooks
Endless; PCs may just be trying to get a hold of some to upgrade their ships, they might have to stop a rival company from spreading a two-fold virus (biological and electronic) to ruin the system. Or maybe one of those racers systems never crossed the finish line and search parties are being sent out to look for the missing racer. You never know.
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? Responses (11)
Good, but one of those ewwwww yuck submissions.
Hm... I like it. It has potential. But...
It's a bit short on details. Right now, it seems more like an idea seed. I want to know why they made it biological, who designed it, more detailed advantages and disadvantages, what it might look like. Details like these really make or break a sub, so to speak.
I'll hold off on voting until you edit it. Really, Corinth, it's a *great* idea, I just think it needs some more fleshing out. Keep 'em coming!
In theory, a biological processor is capable of massive, parallel computations. Minimum estimates for the human brain put it at a 2THz processing speed. They are, however.... messy to program and maintain. In every way possible. Which is my issue with this sub. It's too 'messy' to be useful to the common consumer. Or really, even anyone who doesn't need -insane- processing. Literally insane.
Well, it is a sci-fi sub, emphasis on the fi. I have no problem with the idea of biological computers (they were mentioned more than once in ST:VOY, for example), but I do like my biomachines to have some detail.
I agree with Dozus, and I'd think that since we are reasonably close to this now, in another 10k I imagin rotting wet-ware will not be an issue.
What does it bring to the players or their opponents?
Updated: Extreme Submission Makeover Completed: Resolved contradictions, added more detail, exercised common sense...
Why is there no way to introduce fresh gel into the core?
I'm not sure why this has to be the downside of the biocomputer - science is pretty close to suspended animation either through cyrogenics or controlled toxicity (I have the discover magazine with the artical at home), so it should be pretty easy to overcome the problems you describe. The difficulty with the organic computer should be as Siren mentioned - it's programming, and not with it's care and maintenance. By 30k, we should be able to completely build full organic creatures from scratch!
Well sure, genetics engineering is long possible in 3k, but a self-maintaining entity not based on any other lifeform would be incredibly difficult to create, even with the resources and technology available in the 31st century after decades of in-depth research. As for cryogenics and resultant tech, the larger systems do have this, and less complicated/longer lasting components, but even that far in the future such features take up space. They could add such things, but the system whould become much more expensive and would not fit into basic component slots. Besides, needing to replace the chip, being much better than the competition as it is, keeps customers coming back for more, and draws attention to other products. Ever wonder why computer companies make so much money?
Because computers are made to become obsolete - not run out of fuel :)
I guess when I think 1000 in the future, I see 'invisible technology' that no-where resembles anything we are remotely close to developing now, unless one assumes multiple society collapses..
I think they will be building life froms from scratch in at least my son's lifetime, though not with the wonderous complexity of natural life.
Some scientists have been able to stop cell activity without degradation simply by very carefully controlling oxygen levels, something which would not need much hardware to accomplish. I'll try and find the link - it is really quite - pardon the pun - cool.
If you had said 2100 I'd have had no such quibbles :) I hold a very high bar for the technology of the 30th century...
A nice idea I like it,
There was similar version of this in the following story.
This could use the 100 word treatment. Because a lot of the information (NOT ALL) given is useless in terms of interacting with the item and the mini world developed for the item lacks personality or wit.