Special Equipment:

Two long daggers that are slightly curved, black and very sharp. He also has a crossbow and a short sword


His hair like most Drow is pure white, but his is cut short right below the eyes, and uneven. His eyes are a luminous green color, uncommon of his people. He is very short, only 5'5, but he is corded with muscle and almost no fat on him. He has no scars on his body since to date, no one has been able to put one on him.

He usually wears black pants and ankle length boots and a black sleeveless tunic, under it black ring chainmail that is almost lightless. He wears also leather finger cut gloves and a trenchcoat that goes to his ankles


Born deep within caves on the Kalingrad Mountians he was poor and his brothers and sisters had died to desease. He was an only child and after a few years, Orc Raiders killed his parents and left the town he lived in to flames. To survive, Azriel joined a thieves guild and learned his trade there. He was a small child pickpocket and the older men of the city he had come to disliked him, but Azriel did not care, he shrugged at their low intelligence and was by far one of the best thieves, no one suspecting a drow child.

He did not stay long and went into a more expensive trade, he joined an Assassination group and there became what he is today. He was good at what he did, never asking questions and never answering questions, he would do a kill quick and clean and leave the place before anyone knew what happened. The Assassin Group was called the Laza, for it was their leader's name. They called Azriel instead of his name, the Black Laza, being the only drow of them and second in command.

He left the Assassin Guild and went into solitary buisness, and by doing so getting more money. People sought him out to either kill or hire, for no one liked the Drow and a Drow Assassin surely did make people mad, but now he finds no joy in killing as he once did, and seeks for something new.

Roleplaying Notes:

In a quest he is valuable, for a reasonable price of course, he can kill a person so quick that no one even noticed he had moved, and he have some level of tracking a person if the victim seems to get away. He will never ask a person why for their motives, doing everything silently

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