Neutrino Sinks: A 100 Word Piece of Sci-Fi Minutia
The term Sensors refers to a broad range of devices on a space ship that are used to observe the environment outside the spacecraft. Under the broad umbrella of this concept are scores of devices ranging from a simple alignment of magnets to devices that pull at the fabric of space itself.
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? Responses (5)

I can't belive that I the prince of brevity is saying this but this is too good an idea to try and fill a 100,withholding vote

Fun read and easy to understand even for the science-y laymen

Thought about this one for a while, and was reaching for why a ship would need something like this, given the relatively difficult nature of neutrino detection, and why it would be needed for something like navigation, since most navigation would be visually through fixed points of reference or along established travel corridors seeded with navigation buoys and tracking stations, but then boom, FTL travel. Enter hyperspace, or using a superluminal drive is going to render visual navigation unreliable, difficult, or simply impossible, so the only method of orientation is going to be a sensors only. With multiple neutrino sinks, plus moving through immense amounts of space at a time, this feasibly is a FTL navigation aid.
The only thing I didn't like with the high pressure cores being explosive. It is trope, and predictable. It also clashed with what I know of neutrino research, where scientists use underground swimming pools to entice the same interaction between heavy water and neutrinos.

IGood point.
I tossed out so many so as to give a variety sensor pallets that could be placed in ships. In addition to Navigation this I imagine sensor systems being used as much for observation and information gathering.
I imagine these pressurized devices being pretty small, and the explosive part I added just so I could give PCs (sadly I will likely never run a Dynastic Migration game) something to utilize when they improvise. But what is important with the deep neutrino telescopes they have now is the number atoms in the detector. By pressuring the water to a level not realistic with current material engineering you get the same sensitivity in a smaller area

If you could create a substance/device that would actually gain net-energy(heat) from neutrino collision, then you have something far more useful than a navigation tool!