Passive Electromagnetic Sensor Arrays: A 100 word Piece of Sci-Fi Minutia
The term Sensors refers to a broad range of devices on a space ship that are used to observe the environment outside the spacecraft. Under the broad umbrella of this concept are scores of devices ranging from a simple alignment of magnets to devices that pull at the fabric of space itself.
Passive Electromagnetic Sensor Arrays (Passive EMs or PESAs) have an unfortunate name. The human eye could be characterized as a passive EM detector. With regard to space craft the PESAs are devices able to measure the frequency, amplitude and directionality of EM waves. Sophisticated PESAs can parse the cacophony of EM waves found in deep space by employing polarizing filters and selective detectors. Because EM waves can be blocked or distorted by the ship's hull or disrupted by internal EM sources the effectiveness of PESAs is dependent on the geometry of their design and installation. Most ships employing PESAs have a blind spot.
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? Responses (3)

Only read one of your batch of 100s so far but if I'm getting the gist properly I really don't understand why you did'nt put them all together. Having said that ,looking at this on it's merits, I see it as a 4/5 but prob would have scored the bunch higher.

I thought about doing a list like you say. But I have a vision. Thus, I may recognize that It would would be sensible to put these into one list; particularly if I was gaming the citadel for averages or if somebody wanted to quick reference them. It would be better that way a stand alone post.
But I have a vision. A lame vision, an esoteric vision, but it is mine. I am not saying I don't want advice or critiques cause I do. But I am not looking at the thousand pieces of Sci-fi Minutia, but at what I might duck board across it. I forsee a post, a post not yet even drafted, in which there is hypertext under ever stone. In my vision the discrete will meet the expansive 100 words at a time and without stubs.

These are great! Mini sci-fi primers!!