Mourngrymn's Random Submissions - ( 150 )

Living Haunt By: Mourngrymn

An explosion rocked the city walls as if a hundred mages unleashed their fury upon the peaceful people of Souls'e Province. An instant silence in the wake of the blast was nearly as loud as the noise that erupted right after as another series of explosions followed the first. Then the screaming began. Low at first, then became physical as if a wave of noise punched us all in the gut and sent us to our knees. Even the guards began running, screaming. 'The people, they... they are murdering everyone. The city has gone mad. RUN!!!'

by Mourngrymn
4 replies
Dark Mantle of D'Geen By: Mourngrymn

The sound was most troublesome. Long have I been prisoner to Kormack and his evil designs, and the torturous sounds my heart has been cursed to endure has left me cold inside. I endure and ignore. Cold to the pain and the suffering of poor souls around me. Their Fate forsworn as soon as they enter His lair. But this, this atrocity has pierced my now icebound heart and cracked deep into my very soul. The children... The mewling babes that know nothing of their future, nothing of the joys of life. Innocent of horrors of the world and the dread future it holds. How short that future is. I can not get the sound of the mewling infants from my mind, it is seared into memory as a brand on an animals flank forever to remain. Some have even laughed right up till the end and nothing is more damaging to ones sanity than a broken childs laugh.

Master Blacksmith Heaf Astes

by Mourngrymn
9 replies
1 HoH
Anadem of Kormak By: Mourngrymn

Ah, you are awake now I see. Wondrous news. I realized that you have no idea what is transpiring so I will be blunt so you may understand it. It is rumored that you are one of the best jewelers and metalsmiths in the region and for that you are lucky enough to have been chosen to create an item that will change the world. And afterwards, you shall be set free. My word on it.

Decanus Kormak

by Mourngrymn
8 replies
The Moira Chalice of Kormak By: Mourngrymn

I watched in horror as the final pieces were infused together with dark magics granted to the mighty Kormak by Shivenhusk Himself. The head from Lord King Vyrkril was placed on a base of blacked bone and thrust into the cold burning fire. I swear I hear it scream in agony. Decnus Kormak smiled at his late king and when he pulled the chalice from the blue flame bare handed, he clutched it covetously. That alone made me afraid.

by Mourngrymn
9 replies
Undead Beard Fleas By: Mourngrymn

Damn 'ol thing it tis. Itches like nuthin I e'er felt. Stupid bugs, your the Poosker ye fool. Help me get rid o' these damnable things.

I hate to tell you this but you have what we liked to call, 'Puces Barbe Morts', or undead beard fleas. And the only way to be rid of them is to cut off your beard and then burn the hair.

No! Just kill me it's less painful that way.

by Mourngrymn
21 replies
1 HoH
Shivenhusk the Unliving Refuse By: Mourngrymn

He stood before me, a freankenstien of a man beast that towered twenty feet tall or more. Its rigor colored flesh stunk of eons of decay both sickly sweet and of putrescence beyond what the mortal mind could fathom. I tried to gag it from my throat but my stomach refused to relieve its contents and for that made me more uneasy.

Former Cult Leader who outlived his usefulness

by Mourngrymn
12 replies
Treatise on Necromancy By: Mourngrymn

The true depths of darkness travel far deeper into the hearts of mortal man than the darkest and deepest cave I have ventured in. What once could have started as an innocent trek into the unknown for the sake of curiosity I have seen lead to the blackening of the soul and the withering of all those around it. All in the name of innocence and knowledge.

The following are my findings on the subject, as horrible as they are. I just hope I can finish this before my mind is lost to me. I feel the ebb and flow pulling inside me, no that is to simple an explanation. I feel my soul losing its hold on me. The more knowledge I gain, the more I know I am lost.

Kormak Cabeaza, Scribe and Scholar to Lord King Vyrkril the Just of Camerial

by Mourngrymn
16 replies
A Guide to Metals and Their Properties By: Mourngrymn

A Mastersmiths' guide to metals of worth and the knowledge you will need to become a true Master of Metals.

by Master Blademsith Cethrik Hammerstone

Master of the Thirteeth Blade, Bladesmith to King Regrare Alderkin, Maker of Caldebane - The Ever Cutting Blade

by Mourngrymn
6 replies
A Field Guide to Werewolves - Lycan By: Mourngrymn

Entry Heading

Lycan - Beast, Were Creature, subclass Wolf
The Lycan is a common werewolf. They are neither evil or saints but predisposed to the same range of emotional and morals as any other person. Some can be a bit ill tempered so be wary before approaching one until you know its heritage.
Dr. Johan Kosdin Lerkoviski Were-Hunter
by Mourngrymn
7 replies
A Field Guide to Werewolves - Hexenwolf By: Mourngrymn

Entry Heading

Hexenwolf – Magic, Were Creature, subclass Wolf

Hexenwolf are difficult to find and track. Those who are gifted with such ability usually keep it hidden and to themselves. All seem to be lost however to spiral down a long road of animalism if they are not careful.

Dr. Johan Kosdin Lerkoviski Were-Hunter

by Mourngrymn
12 replies
A Field Guide to Werewolves By: Mourngrymn

Field Guide on Werewolves, and those who hunt them.

by Dr. Johan Kosdin Lerkoviski

Known Lycanthrope Hunter, Specializing in Werewolves

by Mourngrymn
9 replies
Talari Eggs By: Mourngrymn

Imagine this. You are the honored guest of the Conyamo himself and his chosen peers. You are placed at his right hand so everyone in attendance can look on you with wanting. Your every move, every breath will be watched. You are the highlight of this evening. Unfortunately, removing the talari eggs will cause you great pain. The nostrum I've just given you will not help the pain but it will burn your vocal cords so you do not disturb the dinner with your screams. With more than one talari loose inside you, you will beg for death. If you had a voice, and you will receive what you wish for. It will be a long and painful as they eat down to your hallows. I would almost pity you, but your not worthy of my pity. Do not worry though as my attendants are very skilled and will remove most of the eggs to be eaten, but not all. Enough of this dribble, be happy for tonight you are the honored guest of tonight’s celebration.

Syr Caran - Head Chef to the Conyamo

by Mourngrymn
12 replies
The Shalari - SaehdowBorn By: Mourngrymn

Death cults, worshipers of dark powers, necromancers, and eaters of the dead. Individually these cults are horrible in society and the repercussions can have lasting effects on those they influence and affect. But what if that not just a small group tried to influence their belief on a people, but an entire people tried to use their belief to take over the world?

by Mourngrymn
9 replies
1 HoH
The Kaur - Daemonborn By: Mourngrymn

The battle between the Daemon and the Styarm was most bloodthirsty. The Daemon battled with fiery rage against the Styarm's thunder and lightning. They clashed and the heavens shook. It was as if the heavens and the molten rock below clashed and bled.

That is a part of the tale of the Untold War. This is the beginning tale of the Kaur.

by Mourngrymn
5 replies
Use of Constellations By: Mourngrymn

The skies tell the tale of the living and the dead. The honored and the worshiped. What do the stars tell in your setting?

by Mourngrymn
14 replies
My Favorite Characters By: Mourngrymn

Having remembered our first character’s, how many remember your favorite love? That character that will always travel with you in stories to every game session? The one that taught you how to role-play, or the one that brought the most laughs?

by Mourngrymn
43 replies
2 HoHs
Continuous Plot By: Mourngrymn

This is a study of the effectiveness of not the individual but a group of individuals. This is an Open Ended Plot which will not be fleshed out by a single person but by who ever chooses to add content.

by Mourngrymn
41 replies
10 HoHs
Constellation Myth By: Mourngrymn

Old cultures since the dawn of written time have seen pictures in the night sky and asked questions of them. Who they were, where did they come from, and why do they return? The earliest efforts to distinguish these nightly visitors and give them names and meanings dates back to before the Contention of Aborior. Those first observations were different than what is seen today but most still hold true to their original origins.

by Mourngrymn
48 replies
4 HoHs
Campaign Level Thinking By: Mourngrymn

The question was asked about how you run a high level campaign. While this is a simple question it is not very simple to answer. Anyone who is an experienced DM will tell you that, especially for a beginner. In order to answer this I began thinking backwards.

by Mourngrymn
20 replies
2 HoHs
The Firstborn - The Untold War By: Mourngrymn

In a time before time, the creation of Baymaroen was primordial as all worlds are. Forces of energy clashing in a climactic font of brilliance to form the bedrock of the world. Silence issued forth for an eternity but lasting an instant. The appearance of the Firstborn was instantaneous. Life created itself from the cosmic essence left behind by creation. This is the story of the first war, the Untold War.

by Mourngrymn
12 replies