“ 'Yn these landes, theye do ryde upone greate flowtinge beastes alike as those thate ye fyshermen do calle nawtilus; Ande these beastes, callede 'pyky-pyky' because of ye noises thate the beastes make, are troubelsome ande beastlye mountes, withe fowle temperes.' -Telliamed ap Ynris, 'Ye Westerne Landes'.
(A levitating giant nautilus that makes a noise like 'piki-piki' and is thus called a Great Piki-piki.)”
“ Duck-Billed Bird-Dog. This creature has the hindquarters of a hunting dog such as a Labrador Retriever, and the forequarters of a duck, including webbed feet and a wide beak. It also has the wings of a duck.”