The Cynocephali

The Cynocephali are those wretched beings who are cursed to walk the earth after death for the betrayal of those most dear to them. The gods look upon such traitors with terrible anger, and as such, those who do nothing to remedy their betrayal or offset the sin are doomed to an eternal unlife, bearing the head of a dog.

A Cynocephalus is variable in stature, though they are generally slightly shorter and bulkier than they appeared in life. They have saggy, vein-filled flesh which is unnaturally snow-white, and lack all body hair, save their heads. Their hands and feet are large and flat, and have blunt, thick nails which never grow. They possess hanging, nerveless tails like those of monkeys. But the most distinctive feature of a Cynocephalus is it's head, which is that of a large and evil-looking emaciated dog, with patchy, stinking hair and glowing eyes. Cynocephali are often described as having the reek of wet ashes or sodden garbage.

Cynocephali are shunned from all the places of the world, and wander the wastelands, seeking the company of those others like themselves. Some Cynocephali travel in large packs, and fall upon those who are unlucky enough to run across them. They feast on the heart's blood of those they kill, but ultimately are never sated, and constantly seek for a way to undo their former betrayals, though the gods are vengeful, and no Cynocephalus ever finds redemption.

Cynocephali are wounded by great heat and fire, and the touch of jade slays them outright. They are repelled by the scent of roses, but are attracted to the reeks of garbage and filth.

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