The Balm is a panacea to all who use it, one of the legacies of the Mad One. Made by the Wild Elves who live in the mountains to the north of the Desert of Divine Despair. Made out of plants that grow on the southern slopes of the mountain fed to a goat who eats nothing else, and only drinks the water that flows through the madlands, that's later killed and its blood is mixed with breast milk and boiled. It is named after the first explorer to bring any back to civilization.

Magic/Cursed Properties
The Balm is truly a panacea, even going so far as to extend lives with prolonged use. However, prolonged use will deteriorate the mind faster than any desease. For the users the strength that is given to them while it runs through their veins is taken away from them for days or even weeks afterwards. The feeling that they get while under its influence is extremely addictive, they often crave the feeling of control that i gives them within 3 or 4 uses. Eventually though the Madness sets in. They lose the restraints that keep them functioning in a civilized, or even herd manner, acting upon any little thought that may cross their mind, guilt and selflessness slowly leeching away from their mind. In the madness they are greedy and destructive, and will go to any lengths to any more of the balm.

- Cures excessively large amounts of damage, and will cure any disease or cancer that may be affecting them.
- Adds a fair amount of strength and health
- The world seems clearer, they know exactly what they want and how to get it.
- Every use will add years onto their life, slowing their aging, and sometimes even turning back the clock to when they were in their prime.
- After 3-4 uses in a lifetime they will become addicted, they take a fair penalty when not under its influence and if given the opportunity will kill to get more.
- 10-12 uses They stop being able to think straight, they will find that their thoughts wander to how their going to get their next fix, they also don't need to eat or drink as much. Being able to go for about a week without water and a month without any meals. Their physical body is also starting to mutate into something Orcish, no longer being human they are often treated badly at the hands of the more 'civilized' races.
- 14-16 uses No longer truly mortal anymore, they have grown in stature and only vaguely resemble the person they once were. They are truly insane, KNOWING beyond a shadow of a doubt that EVERYONE has some of the balm that they seek and that they don't want to give it up, so they must be forced to hand it over. Many gradually make their ways back to the madlands at this point, somehow knowing that the stuff they seek runs in its purest form there, and most will live for many millennia drinking from the streams there and attacking anything that moves, and many things that don't, only dying at the hands of their kin or hunters if they stray up the slopes of the northern mountains.

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