I need help creating gods for the Roman-themed nation of Imperial Arcturus. I have two already, and they are:

Arcturus, the Lord of the Sky, the Eagle
Plentimon, the King of Gamblers, Master of Money and Wealth

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Fentor, the Armor-Bearer of Ateniad

Shaya: Mother of the Earth, God of Marriage and Obligations. An Elder Titan who gave up her titan powers (to be merely Godly) to be wife of Arcturus. (A combination of Mother Earth and Hera).

Tritonius: God of Water and Ocearns. He has three 'children', Aquarius God of Seas, Larla, Goddess of Lakes, and Rerrmer God of Rivers. Their mother is an obscure figure in mythology. (Shaya and Tritonius are said to have had a relationship, a reason why Arcturus is the Top God and we have rain (his being scooped up and spilled over the land... a punishment of sorts). The theology is a bit vauge on if the relationship was a test of some kind (orthodox version) or a bit of love the Shaya can not have because of her obligations to Arcturus.

Orana: Goddess of Magic and mystery: This is a popular Goddess from a great land conqured by the empire. Her cult encourages literacy, scholarship, and a karma like belief that doing good brings good to you. She is seen as a fair and even tempered Goddess, not prone to the rash and emotional acts that most Gods of this pantheon are prone.

Discus: Diety of the Sun, Truth, and Athletics. He throws the sun across the sky every day. He also has a temple which is known for its prophetic preists. This temple has yearly games, where people prove their worth to Discus. (Note: his holy warriers use a thrown disk weapon as their primary weapon).

Moonalala: The winged Diety of the Moon and the night sky. Twin sister of Discus. She flys carrying the moon. She also sprinkles the stars in the night sky. She is worshiped at Discus's temples.

Just an interesting point: recent discoveries hint that Arcturus (the star) may be a newcomer to our galaxy. It belongs to a group of stars with a strange chemical makeup ( containing fewer heavy elements like iron) and different orbital velocity around the galactic centre (New Scientist, 10 Jan 2004). Scientists think they could be the remnants of a galaxy which collided with the Milky Way a long time ago.

Now surely this could be the source of a mythology: an ancient civilisation would see the cataclysm when the galaxies collided, and the new stars which were left in its wake might be seen as new Gods who had taken over as a result of this cosmic war, especially since Arcturus is one of the brightest stars we know of.

Just an idea.

Some possible gods:

Lacrimus, son of a Titan who was slain, now enslaved by the gods he weeps with shame and his tears wet the Earth as rain.

Jaina, goddess of the picked fruit.

Marcus, god of money and coins.


Possible Rain Legend: Lacrimus and Arcturus

Lacrimus is the son of the Titan Borean, who's breath froze the northern lands. Because he would not help Arcturus and the Gods overthrow the Titans, Fentor and Ateniad chained him to a great mountain where he must cut out stones for the ever-growing Celestial Palace.

He is still chained there, and weeps for his slain father Borean. When he was chained there, Arcturus set an amphora of silver at Lacrimus' feet, and this amphora collects Lacrimus' tears, as well as the daily tributes of water that the Water Gods must give Arcturus for forgiveness for their transgression against him. When the amphora is filled, Arcturus takes it and flies out to distribute the rain.

Possible Creation of Humans Legend: Plentimon and Marcus

When Man was first made by Proto, father of the Titans, they were little more than apes. The sons of Cthonus (the Titan of the Underworld), Marcus and Plentimon, stood and watched the human-apes shamble through the wilderness.

Plentimon said 'I am bored. Let us have some sport with this! Let us have a wager!'

Marcus replied unto him 'What wager would you have, brother?'

'If I can steal the Draught of Intelligence from the fortress of Heremaeus, the Titan of Thought, then you will give me your Golden Purse! But if I am caught, then you will recieve my Magical Dice.' said Plentimon.

'Ha!,' laughed Marcus, who coveted the Magical Dice. 'No-one can break Heremaeus' fortress! This wager is on!'

So Plentimon went to Fentor, the Armor-Bearer of Ateniad.

'Oh mighty Fentor, I have made a wager with my brother, Marcus. We have wagered that if I can steal the Draught of Intelligence from Heremaeus, then I will have Marcus' Golden Purse, which ever is filled with pieces of gold. If you help me, I will give you half of the gold every day!' he said, deviously, intending to keep the purse all to himself.

Fentor, who's wit is slow, knew better than to trust Plentimon, Lord of Rogues. So he agreed, but he, too, planned to take the Golden Purse for himself.

Plentimon and Fentor went to the gates of Heremaeus' fortress and smote them, saying 'Father Thought, Father Thought, let us feast at your table!'

But Heremaeus is wise beyond all, and said 'You tricksters two! Pass not my high wall.'

Indeed Heremaeus' wall was high, and was patrolled by Great Serpents that Heremaeus had recieved from Lhonus, Titan of Plagues and Poisons. But Fentor was strong, and so he took the Serpents and fashioned a rope from them with which to climb the wall.

When inside, Plentimon and Fentor were in Heremaeus' garden, but a horrible Giant with a face like a wolf's lived there. This Giant could not be beaten by Fentor's strength, so Plentimon called to it.

'Oh, Giant! I have a question for you!'

The Giant, who was a half-wit, stupidly stopped fighting Fentor.

While the Giant was distracted, Fentor struck the Giant with his axe and knocked it out.

Then Plentimon and Fentor stole into Heremaeus' villa, where they found him stupored with strong drink, which is the strongest enemy of thought. He did not see Plentimon as the Lord of Thieves lifted the Draught of Intelligence from his belt.

Off they went, to Marcus.

Marcus could not believe his eyes. 'How did you do this? Well, a wager is a wager.' He handed over his Golden Purse.

But both Fentor and Plentimon reached for it, and they began to squabble over it. Fentor clumsily tried to strike Plentimon and instead knocked the bowl that contained the Draught of Intelligence over.

The Draught spilled out, and splashed down on the human-apes below.

The apes immediately straightened and began to think.

Aetherius, Father of Arcturus, shouted and flew down from heaven at this.

'What have you done!' he shouted. 'Now the humans will be able to think and will spread too fast!'

Plentimon and Fentor quailed at his furor.

'Marcus, you shall keep your Golden Purse and these two shall be punished!' said Aetherius.

This is how Man became elevated, and also how the arts of roguery and soldiery became less esteemed than those of merchantry.

Julius, Bringer of Darkness, the Bloody-Handed One, Lord of Murder-

Julius is the third son of Cthonus, Lord of the Underworld. His brothers are Marcus and Plentimon. Julius was born to Necria, a soul in the Underworld who Cthonus took a fancy to and raped. Julius sprang from Necria's spilled blood and was infused with her anger and hatred.

Cthonus, Lord of the Underworld, Keeper of the Dead, Titan of Death-

Cthonus supported the Gods when they overthrew the Titans, but Arcturus betrayed him and chained him in the Underworld to watch over the souls of the Dead. Cthonus begat three gods from the souls of dead women: Plentimon, Marcus, and Julius.

That's the question: How many gods is enough gods? Or too much gods?

If I may deduct from CP's other thread (very limited priestly powers) if there would be many gods, there would also be (relatively) many priests, each with certain powers. So, make them not too many!

Or, a few of them are very popular, and the rest is basically history (up to tens or hundreds of them). Still makes plot-hooks for the odd priest that wants more power for their almost-forgotten god.

Ichneumon, God of Hunters

Aesclepius, God of Healers and Physicians

Theatricus, God of Appearances/ illusions, thus he is the patron of Actors, Thieves, Artists, Illusionists, and those who have secrets. A quote that goes with him, 'What something appears to be, is not always what it is.'

So what areas do we need to cover?

Is this a Pantheon of 20 some odd major dieties and a couple of dozen lesser ones, or a pantheon of way to many gods of various levels of importance.

Is the Emperor considered a Diety on Earth or to become the patron diety of the Empire after they die, taking over for the previous one.

The Emperor becomes a patron deity after the succession, replacing the predecesor as the new emperor replaces him.

The major gods are Arcturus and the various elemental gods (Water god, Earth goddess, Fire god, Forest god, ect.)

The minor gods are the gods of human achievements (Hunting, war, knowledge, mastery.)

I mean, the minor gods aren't really less-worshipped, they're just considered less powerful.

After all, how can human achievement defeat the powers of nature?