Winded Warrior Resthouse
The establishment is run by an elderly goblin named Sax Stoneswiller. Providing this service to non-goblins is much more lucrative than what he was able to receive with his clan.
This fairly unassuming rest stop lies off the beaten path. It is the perfect location for a wandering adventurer who is far from civilization but still needs security or warmth when resting.
The establishment is run by an elderly goblin named Sax Stoneswiller. He has made a name for himself amongst the humans and dwarves that were at war with his clan years ago. Providing this service to non-goblins is much more lucrative than what he was able to receive with his clan.
The resthouse is a three-story wooden structure with a basement.
The ground floor has a large bar with an enormous variety of alcohol ranging from homebrewed mead to imported elven wine to local dwarven stout. The bar also provides plenty of pre-made snacks such as jerky, bread, and cheese. By early evening, Sax will usually have a large vat of lamb stew available for hungry patrons. There is also a small washroom available near the basement available to the single room occupants and general patrons.
On the second floor, there are seven single rooms available for the solo adventurer or a frugal group. Each small room has a single bed, a trunk, a small window, and a lockable door.
The third floor has three suites available. Each of these suites has two large beds, a dining table with four chairs, three trunks, a large window, a washroom facility, and a lockable door.
In the basement, Sax keeps a different kind of company: creatures looking for revenge or a novice goblin fighter that is willing to earn some experience by attacking a sleeping or wounded warrior. Once the sun goes down, Sax gives a key to his "brethren" and the rest is up to them.
Sax takes a large payment for this service, but he is careful to not draw any attention to himself or what he is up to. He does not pass a key for a suite nor a single room that has more than one person in it. With enough pre-meditation, Sax will be sure to provide a drugged draught to the appropriate party. He will also not allow more than one attack/death per week.
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? Responses (6)

Its okay, but the fact that a goblin ran the place would subject it to so much attention that the first time he pulled the 'go kill the adventurer' routine could easily be his last. Once in a blue moon would be better then once a week, unless this place is so remote that there are no locals to keep 'tabs' of how many just disappear. In which case, any travellers would be on full alert anyway.

I dunno, I could see it in the lower-class regions of the bigger cities in Kuramen, although the goblin's background would have to alter a bit... In the dregs, you take your life in your own hands if you willingly sleep somewhere that isn't sealed against intrusion...

Providing this service to non-goblins is much more lucrative than what he was able to receive with his clan.
Since non-goblins pay better than his own clan, old Sax lets junior warriors into his place to kill injured warriors who have been drugged? I gotta go with Val on this one, I think he would get to off one or two people before someone figured it out and Sax was left swinging from a tree.

i gotta agree with scras and val o this, if he kept getting people murdered every week then it would only be a matter of time before someone figured out what was going on and lynched him.
Otherwise i think its a great sub that shows some good promise, il have to try it with my unsuspecting group, who think as soon as they sleep in a guest house that they're safe, they'll have a wee suprise in for them, maybe ill let one of them wake up at a noise and see the goblin with an upraised knife, heh heh heh.