Victorious Charm
The Victorious Charm, or Charm of Victory is an enchantment added to weapons
The Victorious Charm allows a fighter to regain health when they defeat a foe. For the charm to work, the enchanted weapon must deal the deathblow.
Basic Victory Charm - regain 5% health each time a foe is slain
Regular Victory Charm - regain 8% health each time a foe is slain
Good Victory Charm - regain 12% health each time a foe is slain
Superior Victory Charm - regain 16% health each time a foe is slain
Epic Victory Charm - regain 24% health each time a foe is slain.
Legendary Victory Charm - regain 33% health each time a foe is slain
There are some Victory Charms that are tied to slaying a specific foe, such as a sword enchanted to assist in the removal of goblins, or kobolds. These are generally set up for dealing with swarms who deal a large amount of damage due to numbers, offsetting this advantage by turning each mook into a healing potion. On the other side, there are dark victory charms set to kill humans, elves, and other races so that the champions of the chaotic/evil/immoral races have their own booster.
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