Hard to find in autumn and early spring, through the summer it grows petals of dark blue, with yellow to white insides, resembling tiny stars.

It is a rare find beyond the Zenahin swamps. It needs warmth and much water, even then it is small. But it is touched by the land's magic. The flower grows on feelings. Where there is happiness and love, soon it will be larger, its color more vibrant, its shape more distinct and pleasant to the eye. It is said to take on a lovely reddish hue towards the end of summer. It is the bad feelings that are its bane. Hate, anger and strife all wound it, the more it grew from good feelings before.

It is said, that in fullest bloom, potions of healing can be made out of it; but any negative feeling or even the pain of the patient would destroy the brew. It is also claimed that it will make the drinker sensitive to the feelings of others... so much they will become a panicking, nervous wreck. It's probably just rumors.

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