900 years after Putin, a man called Viktor Menshelyev became president of Russia. He was a cruel and oppressive man, changing laws to suit his needs. With a loyal core of supporters, none dared challenge him. None, that is, until the second revolution. A cell of insurrectionists, led by a man called Yakov Marx, managed to besiege and capture the Kremlin. 5 days after that, Menshelyev was shot. Yakov Marx established a communist government that his ancestor, Karl, would have been proud of. Without the corruption that was iconic of cold war era USSR, the influence of the New USSR spread throughout the solar system.

Thank you to caesar193 for his suggestions.

Further meat for the NUSSR's story

Menshelyev's cruelty

Menshelyev would regularly have his men round up groups of people, have these people set loose on his private estate, and go around with an assault rifle hunting these people down. He enjoyed killing people and would give the death penalty for petty cases (such as shoplifting)

The Revolution

Starting November 7, 2917, and lasting for only 2 days, the revolution was fairly bloodless. Menshelyev was arrogant enough to think that people were too scared of him to do anything. He posted very few guards, and those guards were sedated easily. It was at Menshelyev's office that the problems started. His elite guards were posted there, and it took Marx's men a day and a half to defeat them. After defeating the office guards, the revolutionaries captured Menshelyev easily, and he was shot 5 days later.

The NUSSR Society

All children born to NUSSR parents are taught from birth that corruption is evil. As babies, they are exposed to propaganda detailing the evils of theft, embezzlement, and murder.From the second generation and onward, crime was virtually nonexistent. For the few exceptions, a peacekeeping force was kept on hand and an interplanetary army was trained in case of war.

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