The Isles of Ithaca are a series of small islands and island groups on a relatively shallow sea (there are certain paths that can be walked for miles without swimming, just by wading). The isles are home to an abundance of races, cultures, and populations and have more than their fair share of heroes.

A few months ago the Isles of Ithaca were bathed in a resplendant light as a comet slowly approached the planet where the isles reside. As the comet closed in the doomsayers predicted the end of the world and that the world was being punished for it's abuse of all things magical.

The comet however, did not strike the planet, missing it by a few thousand kilometres. However, the comet fell into orbit around the great planet, circling slowly once every day. It passes over the Isles of Ithaca during the late afternoon and early night, then disappears over the horizon only to return the next day.

Astrologers say the comet is getting closer and that there is not much time left for the living. Doomsayers state that the time is now to repent for the wicked ways that the gods are punishing them for.

These doomsayers are gaining great power over the lords and ladies of the land, for their prophecies appear to be coming true. When the comet flies above, all magic from the land is drained away. All magic, without exception. Magical items lose all powers, and continue to not function even after the comets passage. Perhaps the item does not have time to recharge in half a day, or perhaps it is permanent. Magic itself fails miserably, producing no effect whilst the comet flies above. For a few hours after the comets passage, magic spells cause chaotic, unpredictable magic. Magic returns to normal around morning, remaining so until early afternoon when it becomes chaotic again until late afternoon, when magic is negated.

Needless to say the doomsayers have succeeded in causing a massive witchhunt for magical heathens in a land where magic was previously seen as awe-inspiring.

Again, I will apologize, this likely isn't best placed in settings. Then again, it doesn't make a terribly good amount of sense anywhere else either, so here it is. A concept to base settings and plots into.

Many options remain, perhaps magic users suffer terrible anguish during the comets presence. Perhaps a large underground cult of magic-users is forming, uniting good and evil within that group.

Also a good option if your players have become powerful spellcasters and all non-legendary epic plots now seem boring to them. Also a good way to get rid of every single magical item from them (not that I am sadistic).

Run and hide little magi, bwah hah hah ha!

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