Skill tabs operate through injection of quantum-entangled nano-receivers and subsequent transfer of information. The storage capability of a skill tab is immense and uses a special neural-analog storage matrix - essentially a small brain on a chip. The first time a S or L tab is used, tiny nano particles are infiltrated in the subject's neurons. These act as the receivers for the tab's information


Also known as Short-Term tabs, these devices pump knowledge into the subject's short term memory which is quickly lost - usually minutes, but as long as an hour. S-Tabs are deliberately created as a disposable good, partly due to the instability of the mental image imprint they carry. It is possible to hack an S-Tab (though very difficult) to operate more than once, though each use would be increasingly less effective and any potential side effects increased.

In Therafter PBP Game, S Tabs grant full proficiency and a +5 Competence bonus to the selected skill.


Long-term tabs, these devices pump knowledge into the subject's long term memory, causing a permanent boost to knowledge. As with S-Tabs, L-Tabs can be hacked to allow for multiple use, but at a greater risk - they can become ‘poisoned' with poor, incorrect or effectively ‘malicious' knowledge.

In Therafter PBP Game, L Tabs grant a permanent level of proficiency in the selected skill.

Poisoned Tabs

While not literally poisoned, there are tabs that either due to defects, poor instructor screening, or deliberate sabotage, provide knowledge different from that on the label. It is not normally possible to determine this without use, though specialized diagnostic devices are available to tests.

# Quality Description
1 Poor Quality Only a portion (1d4-1 x 25%) of normal bonus provided
2 Incorrect A Penalty of a few points is applied.


Shocking content that could daze, indoctrinate or otherwise psychologically impact the subject.

4 Plot hook

A message has been placed in this device.

5 Plot hook

An entire personality has been placed on this device which may end up incorporated within the subjects own. These are normally only found as L-tabs.

Recording a Skill Tab

The process of recording a tab is quite taxing to the subject, and available technology limited tab creation to 100 per run. Data is not stored in a digital format due to its need to emulate how the information was stored in the brain, so it is not possible to store or transmit the knowledge over traditional digital technologies. One would need to use advanced quantum-based systems to be able to manage this, and this technology was only in its infancy when the Fall happened.

A Tab recorder uses a device resembling a turn of the 21st century MRI machine, and requires several rooms worth of specialized equipment. The recording process takes between 2-3 days of constant scanning - the subject kept awake though sedated via pharmaceuticals and fed/hydrated through IV lines. After the process is complete, the subject usually experiences significant mental dulling that can last 1-2 weeks. There is also a chance, especially if the subject attempts to exercise their knowledge in the subject matter, that they could lose some or all of their expertise in that area.

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