Full Description
This spider is the size of a man's hand and has a beautiful (as far as that word can be applied to a spider) body covered in soft silver hairs. They live in groups of up to ten on large orb webs that can be up to forty feet long and five feet high. Their normal diet is insects. If they bite a human the effect is to give the human a sense of total happiness that lasts for an hour. Many humans will end up getting bitten on purpose after getting addicted to the venom. A small amount of venom just makes a person a bit slow-witted. Too much will lead to brain damage or even death.
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? Responses (14)

Spider sense tingling! I need a new dose!
a black market might evolve about the spiders - those with a better/purer/less dangerous venom earning a prime price...
or the people could collect them like pokemons and exchange tips aout what soft of bug to feed them so that the venom has a better/different effect

I like this post. It's not something to fight, but is something that could really add to a world. A player or NPC could become hooked... players could have to find more spiders... the spiders could get a sickness and the players are asked to find a way to cure them by a rich addict. Recreational drug use is very realistic, and I'm sure in 'dark' times like most campaigns the urge of common folk to 'escape' would be quite high.

Nice example of a background item - something that makes the game world just a little more "real" - like it - 4/5

This shows some great ideas Cheka. I really like the idea of their bite being addicting, however I feel that this needs to be better detailed in order to make it a better submission. I realize this is an older submission but I think it has far better potential than a single paragraph.

Intriguing bite!

I would like more from this submission, it brings to mind another submission I read somewhere about a place that lives in harmony with a colony of spiders deep in the swamp. I think the venom is what makes them unique, and should be elaborated on.

Short, but quite interesting. Given that many drugs were intended as toxins by the plants and animals that produce them, this seems reasonable.
Someone _could_ put an illusion on a non-silverspider as an means to assassinate someone.

Short, but quite interesting. Given that many drugs were intended as toxins by the plants and animals that produce them, this seems reasonable.
Someone _could_ put an illusion on a non-silverspider as an means to assassinate someone.

Short, but quite interesting. Given that many drugs were intended as toxins by the plants and animals that produce them, this seems reasonable.
Someone _could_ put an illusion on a non-silverspider as an means to assassinate someone.

I'm with Mourn in terms of views on this sub.