Maeschnarr's Terrible Metal Mask

The Metal Mask appears as a small Iron Maiden of unpolished, and often blood-stained, iron. It is made to wrap around a victim's head, piercing their tender facial flesh with hundreds of thick needles.

The device includes a number of special 'optional use' features, a few of which are listed below:

Quick Scalper - There is a metal razor that runs through the mask across the brow of the victim. With a rough slide of the bar, to the back of the device, you can instantly remove a victim's scalp. It includes a latch for opening the top of the device to remoive the scalp without removing the mask.

Eye Impaler - Like the wings of a demon, these two metals bands, tipped with large iron spike, extend from the side of the helm. Once moved forward, they can be locked together, and slid back... into the eye sockets of the victim.

Drink of Blood - A water-tight seal can be formed at the neck. This will cause the mask to fill with blood, and, over time, the victim will drown in their own crimson leakings.

History of the Metal Mask

Maeschnarr was an expert torturer and 'information gatherer' for the Kingdom of Voelam. He was good at it, too good. His work drove him mad. He toiled night and day on captured enemy spies, squeezing them for every last bit of information, necesarry or not. This mask was a device he had comissioned from the royal iron-smith. Several Metal Masks exist, the use of them is currently outlawed after a case of 'mistaken identity' that lead to Maeschnarr murdering a high-born and being executed uncerimoniously.

In certain dark circles, he is revered as The Torture Father. A mystical god-like being with the power to inflict tremendous pain. Whether it is Maeschnarr himself, of they simply attach that name to The Torture Father has yet to be revealed.

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I think this is well written and an interesting beginning but I honestly can't see how to use this as an encounter in a campaign. Did you have any ideas for that? Otherwise a fun cosmetic addition to a game, nice submission.