Falconry and Hawking has been important skill in a variety of places through out history. It is the sport of nobles and nomads, and many in between. In some places and times, Raptors are bonded to people, using their magic connection to everyones benefit. It is only natural that magical items connected to raptors and Hawking came into existence.

Falconry and Hawking is the sport of the nobles, rich, and important. It is to the nobility of the day and age as Golf is to the executives of today.

In other places it is an important tool for hunting and scouting. Falconry and Hawking makes short work of hunting small game.

Any important area of endeavor will eventually attract innovative technology for its tools. Given a fantasy realm, magic is that technology. It is only natural that magical items related to raptors occured.

This scroll (and codice) is about said items, magic items and charms used for hawking and falconry. Most of these items will not be 'one of a kind', they will be common enchantment... developed a long time ago and passed on to apprentices down the line.

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Gloves of Command

Gloves of Command are raptor gloves that cover the hand and the entire length of the forearm. They are made of firm leather, with strong angular cuts. What helps make them distinctive is the line of shiny brass rivets along the bottom edge.

The Glove, when worn, grants the wearer an increase of personal confidence, which translates into a slight plus when dealing with person skills, and a good plus when dealing with Raptors.

The true magic of the glove, which normally requires spell energy to activate, allows the raptor to hear and respond to loudly spoken commands even when they are far aflight.

Gloves of Bonding

The Glove of Bonding is a large soft comfortable hawking glove, a trusting glove... a glove you need to trust the raptor not to punch through.

The soft leather is intricately tooled with a coursing pattern akin to Celtic knot work and scrollry. It will look aged and comfortable quickly, especially with the claw scratches on it.

Each glove must be made for a specific raptor. The raptor's name will be worked into the tooled scroll work.

The Glove, when worn, allows for a Bond between the raptor and wearer. This allows for telepathic contact between the raptor and the human. It will also allow the wearer to do some of the more interesting bonded magics with enough effort (see through the eyes, share the sensation of flight, or even transfer into the raptor).

These gloves can be used to train a bond between a pair. As they bond grows stronger (or as the Human gains skill in its use), they will not need the glove at all. However many still hang on their glove so they may share the sensation with others.

Stand of Becalming Sleep

This stand has been enchanted so that any raptor who stays on the stand will become calm and soon fall asleep without a hood. Great for calming down agitated birds or to force injured birds to rest.

A side note: If a person leans upon the stand, they will often find their mind waundering... eventually they become lost in their day dream.

Eyepiece of the Falcon

The Eyepiece of the Falcon is traditionally a monocle or worn magnifier. However, if your world has advanced some, eye glasses or goggles would also be possible shapes.

No matter what the actual shaped, the item has fine etching along its metal rims. The etching is a feather pattern.

The Eyepiece increases the sight of the person wearing it. It grants stronger distance sight (eyes of the falcon).

In addition it sharpens the sight of the wearer so they can more easily spot allows any bird they are currently flying.

With the expenditure of personal magical energies, the wearer can also transfer their sight to the falcon (or the raptor being flown). They can see what the raptor sees. This is handy for scouting, hunting, and spying.

Jesses of Obedience

Some people simply need help in dealing with these near wild creatures. Thus the Jesses of Obedience were created. They make the unruly raptor more obedient and able to understand/ follow the directions of their flighe, allowing them to be flown more easily. It is helpful in training as well.

In short, they grants pluses to Hawking rolls.

These Jesses have small gold beads in their knots. That is the only way to determine what they are. If those beads are removed or fall out, the item is depowered.

There are some less savory uses for these items. Jesses are simply some leather thongs that can be put on the wrists of smaller humans. Those people find themselves more obedient and less free in their thinking. These are useful for those of the Evil Cultist persusasion... and could be found in a Garage Sale from Hell.

Cord of Falconry

This is more of a charm than a magic item. The Cord is a small cord with two dozen or so brass and glass beads. It examined carefully, one will find one tiny single barb (the main shafts that slide off the central hollow shaft) inside each bead. The cord is wrapped around the wrist (usually held with a single line knot).

The cord is a charm, granting a simple +1 to Hawking rolls.

Feather of Balm

The feather is an oversized one, with a wrap of gold and copper wire around the lower quill. There is a fringe of small beaded cords off the gold and copper wire wraps.

Running this feather along the feathers of a bird will both strengthen and smooth the feathers. (The Birds seem to enjoy this effect.) It will also promote rapid regrowth of lost or broken feathers. Regular use will allow a rapid return to full flight in 1/3rd the time or a month if no return was expected.

Running the feather while humming a charm will also help the bird recover injuries to bones and muscle.

One little know side effects, well unknown to all but regular bird trainers, is that this works on human hair. This could explain why those that care for birds often have such long, lovely, hair.

Bell of Finding

These are tiny green patina bells attached to a trained raptor's legs above the jesses and the master's glove. The specially-made pair of bells will each ring with a different tone, designed to carry a long distance. The bell on the glove will "ring" slightly, if pointing in the direction of the bird's bells. The tone increases as they grow closer. The disadvantage is that it makes a great deal of noise in general use (especially when the two bells are close).

There are small bells used to keep track of children which use the same enchantment.