Full Description
The Glow Leach is a creature that looks more like a cockroach shell than a leech. It has a hard, smooth shell of a translucent black color when dormant. This shell can be handled safely with no danger. The Glow Leach becomes active when the concave part of the shell is pressed against a living creature.

While dormant, the Glow Leach usually has small lights, fainter than embers, closer to starlights, playing under its shell\'s surface. It uses these lights to communicate with other Glow Leeches. They are social creatures, and if a Glow Leach is seperated from other Glow Leaches for more than 5 days, it will sicken and die.

They reproduce when they encounter another life form. If the Glow Leach\'s concave surface, it\'s \'mouth\' is placed on a living creature, it will begin to draw the creature\'s life force from it to begin to reproduce. While feeding, the Glow Leech emits a bright light that attracts other Glow Leeches. No other known light, magical or natural will attract Glow Leeches. For every extra Glow Leech that joins with the first feeder, the number of motes increases expodentially.

That means only 1 glow leech will produce 2^1 leeches, 2 will produce 2^2 or 4 leeches, 3 will make 2^3 or eight leeches and so on.

The motes act more like spores and are cast off as the conflaguration of Glow Leeches finishes consuming the life force of the creature. The original Glow Leeches are destroyed in this reproduction. The motes float down, glowing like falling embers, and take root and begin to form a new shell. Motes mature into Glow Leeches after 3 months.

Magical Properties:

Glows as bright as sunlight for the radius of a torch. If a creature is harmed by naturally made light, rather than the usual \'pure\' sunlight, this light will harm said creature.

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