After searching for the worst item that still exists on this page I came up with an idea.

The cloak appears to be a normal, brown cloak. No fine cross stitching...a tag with 'Made in China' can be added if wished.

(sorry couldnt let that one pass up)

Magical Properties:

Its the opposite of a cloak of hiding.

There are some spells that are similar to invisibility spells, like ones that just make the eyes of those around you just slide off of you. The people notice you, but think nothing more of it.

When wearing the Cloak everyone within insert distance here of you start to get a ringing in there head as if someones saying 'someone's here, someone's here'. The further away from you they are, the softer the ringing in their head sounds. But the closer they get, the louder the ringing becomes. Making those around you semi-paranoid, sending them into mad hunts looking for whatever is sending off this 6th sense.

For example. Wearing this cloak inside a house while trying to hide would be impossible. Anybody would be able to discover your hiding spot no matter where you were hiding,within minutes.... or seconds. The cloak acts like a HOT or COLD meter...telling the seeker wether they are getting closer or further away from their target.
The cloak also attracts the eyes of if the person with the cloak walked into a room in a NEON YELLOW JUMPSUIT with people wearing white bed sheets.

The funniest part of this is that the person wearing the cloak thinks its a cloak that makes them blend into their surrondings.

This deceptive cloak was created on accident, by a young wizard attempting to craft a cloak that gave him invisible powers. The wizard he said the spell correctly and clearly, but he stammered when saying 'Unvisibliona' for invisible properties. He said 'Un-Unvisibliona' canceling out the 'un' for the invisible part.

*Item only works if cloak is given as a gift, and the new owner is told the cloak has magical qualities that can make him invisible.

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