Chome's Necklace
Chome was an unlucky magician that lost an arm in a horrible spell backfire. Undeterred he created this necklace which gives him a phantom arm.
Chome had a bad day and the backfire from a misused ingrediant resulted in the loss of his right arm. Chome is a positive person and wasn't going to let this upset him so he set out to create a replacement.
He started trying to make a physical arm out of wood, metal, even plants at one point but the result was thoroughly unsatisfying. During all his experimentation he became an expert on animating the inanimate and became very successful through this expertise.
Finally through all his trials he devised a phantasmal force that can be manipulated exactly as if it was his arm. The arm is invisible but it is a physical manifestation of a force. The phantom arm can be used exactly how the old arm would be through mental and muscle cues. As long as the necklace is worn it is like he was never missing an arm. He wears long shirts and gloves and you would never know it was missing.
There may be other similiar items in circulation made out of just about any type of material you can think of created during his search for the perfect replacement arm.
Magical Properties:
The arm doesn't inbue any extra strength, if used by a fighter they would probably find the arm under powered. The arm is resistant to cold, heat, etc., and does not relay any pain that may normally be felt by it.
It is a physical manifestation so that it cannot go through walls and such. Because it is a phantom extension off the body, it can hold cursed items and such and not be affected by them, on the same note, most magical weapons may not work if used by that hand if contact with the wielder is required for their power.
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? Responses (8)

Great idea. Now DM's can maim their players and offer this as compensation. The players will be grateful of the maiming and may even wish for more...

Thought of this while watching Veggie Tales. They have to 'magically' manipulate everything since they don't have arms.
Inspiration can come from anywhere :)

re Strolen: I am afraid. Very afraid.
re Agar: We have discovered fantasy cyberware. It is to replaced damaged parts, but has such advantages that people just remove parts to use them. I would of thought it would of been golem parts or an enchanted arm, but this would work.
comment: I like this item. It reminded me of a Nivens character
Gil Hamilton.

Now, why would you be watching...Veggie Tales?

Ewwwwww! That is evil. We've all heard of stone golems, and flesh and bone golems, what about an air golem? Creepy.

Thats the scariest thing ive ever heard of! AN INVISIBLE GOLEM!!! Heh heh heh... I have to try it out now...

How come we didn't ask the question:
What happens if a healthy person dons the necklace? Will it have suddenly three arms, or just be utterly confused?

This is a nifty, simple item. It does tend to solve the problem a little _too_ neatly. I suppose that the spell could have limited duration, or be somewhat fragile against magical damage.