Bannington Lapur LRTI AA
The Bannington Lapur LRTI AA Particle Rifle was developed by Deimos Inc to replace the Republic's older R3X7 Particle Rifle. The weapon is currently only being used by Elite Clone Units and Special Forces and is still undergoing trials. Several prototypes are known to exist their whereabouts unknown except for the original which is on display at the Republic Central Fleet's Museum of Armaments.
Intended for Long Range Target Interdiction, the Bannington Lapur is powerful enough to burn it's way through the hull of light to medium armoured fighter craft. The only drawback to this weapon being the long cooldown required between firing.
A direct hit to an organic enemy to any of their vital regions will be enough to vaporize them. A glancing blow will likely severely injure them depending on the region of impact. When used against light to medium fighter craft a glancing blow will incapacitate and temporarily fry the onboard electronics. Direct hits to any vital systems yield destructive results.
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? Responses (6)
Update: Updated with Republic freetext. Expansion subs to follow.
Beautifully done, I'm looking forward to reading more about the Republic Central Fleet, Elite Clone Units and Demios INC.
Thank you for your feedback. Think I'll start with either the Clones or a sub about the Republic itself. It'll probably sound pretty disjointed, but as things progress that should clear up.
A solid sub that fits the 100 word limit well. It's fairly standard in terms of mechanics - big gun, long cool down, used on craft - but you cover a lot of ground in the space provided.
Thank you Dozus. Maybe I'll expand this using the idea section.
Solid 100 word
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