The Particle Accelerator Cannon: A 100 Word Piece of Sci-Fi Minutia
A brief explanation of a 'classic' Science Fiction weapon.
With regard to starship systematics a particle accelerator cannon or beam refers to a high energy weapon that pummels targets with designed neutron particles. These 'sticky' neutrons have an extended gluon field allowing them to attach to almost any nuclei. Atoms in the path of this beam will quickly gain neutrons until the atom becomes unstable and splits. Although, any neutrons released from this split no longer have the sticky quality. Depending on the target material this atom splitting may induce a nuclear chain reaction or may only cause a discrete burst of energy and a loss of molecular cohesion.
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? Responses (3)

Very nice explanation of the subject matter. Explanes the science behind something I had no idea how it works(I have a history degree and avoided anything REMOTELY resembling science in collage)

So, the neutrons are essentially charged with excess 'strong' force and essentially fuse to target atoms?
Given some Hydrogen plasma to provide protons and electrons and you could use this to transform metals.
I'm not sure this is really an explanation of particle accelerators as it is a novel version of one. It is certainly different than the examples of particle accelerators I'm familiar with.

'So, the neutrons are essentially charged with excess 'strong' force and essentially fuse to target atoms?'
That is good point about the metal transformation. I can imagine a forensic type thread in a sci-fi game or story in which the protagonists are examining a wreckage or debris field and find an unnaturally high number of rare isotopes. This would be undeniable foot print of this type of particle weapon, and perhaps such a fact would be telling about the attackers. For example it is asserted that at the time of writing in my dynastic migration setting that the Dynastic faction has this type of particle weapon and the lower tech Union of Worlds faction does not.