Magnetic Field Tracker Sensor Arrays: A 100 Word Piece of Sci-FI Minutia
The term Sensors refers to a broad range of devices on a space ship that are used to observe the environment outside the spacecraft. Some sensor systems are passive, absorbing and processing information. Other systems are active: provoking objects in space to gain information.
Magnetic Field Tracker (MFTs) straddles the line between active and passive sensors. The MFTs produce a known AC magnetic filed and contain a reference transducer. Extra-system objects that interact with magnetic field are referred to as unknown transducers. Analysis magnetic field (shared by both transducers) allows the system to determine the location of the object in the x, y and z plane but also the unknown's roll, pitch and yaw relative to the known transducer. MFTs employ multiple known transducers, and continually cycle through different emission signals. This system also detects exogenous magnetic fields, and can be used completely passively.
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? Responses (3)

well done 100

My only complaint is that I wish your sensor subs were grouped together in one entry.

Um, I think you just described a metal detector :P