The religious higherarchy is all broken down into seven distinct titles. These are as follows.


For each new rank achieved, the priest receives a new title in certain circumstances. When they reach a certain level of knowledge and skill however, they will continue to hold the title of Pastor until raised to that of a Bishop by their superiors. The same is done with the title of Archbishop (Primate) Prelate, and the Pontiff. Only one Pontiff will be named at a time and only ten Prelates may be named at one time. There are only five Archbishops (Primates) holding title at any given time as well. Bishops have no set number of available slots.

Deacons are still young and fresh into their studies and are always still students. Priests have completed their initial studies of the church and are now allowed to hold service in small temples as well as assist Pastors in their clerical duties at larger churches. Pastors are usually a few years into their time spent with the church and have duties in charge over the larger churches in the larger cities. Bishops have been given the sole duties of teaching others in their time spent within the church. They also are known to teach in the academies various studies of expertise. They are also known as the law enforcement group of the church, dealing out justice relating to the church. The Primates are in charge of larger areas of the church and have broken them down into zones of influence; there are only five of these in office at one time. The Prelates are only ten in service in the main church in the central church. They are advisers to the Pontiff and the administrators to the church. They are the only group who elect the Pontiff. The Pontiff is the main religious leader in full charge of the church. They are elected for ten years and are rarely elected for another term. They have full voice in the church and create the laws that are followed.

Each religion is a seperate entity to itself. However they are ruled and therefore agreed to be governed by a single high priests, the High Pontiff. They rotate throughout the other religions between their Pontiffs to rule for a period of two years, this gives every religion the possibility to set decrees for the churches.

In which they have agreed to set standards, even though they do not see eye to eye on religious beliefs they do agree that should they result in a religious war and allow choas to ensue, much to the followers of Sethalis delight, that they gods may turn their backs. So in the interest of self preservation they agree to disagree yet to do so in an organized manner on the outside.

On the inside however, the churches dislike each other and will rarely show it publically. Privately however, many small battles between churches has happened right under the eyes of many kings and rulers without them knowing.

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