To call TearDrop City a city is to be generous. It is one of the largest collections of SkyFolk on the north part of the east coast of ThirdLand. It gains its name from the TearDrop shaped rock on the natural set of the stone pillars not far off shore.

The city is a large collection of halls and apartments dug into the huge white cliff that dominates all the Eastern Coast of ThirdLand. Since the weather is reasonably calm and warm here, most of people's social life is on their porch/ patio. The porchs are the initial open and exposed areas of their apartment, usually with a table, a number of chairs, hammocks, some pillows, a few standing torches (like tiki torches), a brazier for cooking fish bits, and maybe an overhanging awning or shade net. (They are also have open areas suitable for safe landings). Many things are made from woven sea fibers and seaweed, though grass mats and some wood are present. Woven/ macrame items are the norm. From the porch one can enter the apartment which consists of three to four carved out rooms, many of which are lit by 'light tunnels' - mirrored shafts that bring light and some ventilation into the backs of the apartments. Since there is a large glass factory here (on the top of the cliff coast), openable windows are prevolent as well.

Common places (such as stores/ shop/ workshops) are usually large halls dug into cliffsides. They tend to have very small patios that are more of a landing zone than an entertainment place. The doors are usually solid and secure, very different from the glass framed French styled doors that most apartments have.

While there are the occasional stairwells (on the outside and dug into the cliffs) and walk ways (again along the outside of the cliffs or tunnels made), one really needs to be able to fly to get around.

The dominant color here is the white cliffs of soft stone. But there is color everywhere. There are flags and pennants hanging off every patio and in some places inbetween. They are bright and mutlicolored in most parts. This is how the skyfolk mark neighborhoods, addresses, storefronts, and personal moods of the inhabitants, via a complex system of heraldry. (The system is not difficult to understand, just a huge body of work to absorb).

At the lowest level, there are docks for the raft like boats the Skyfolk favor. They do not sail them (though they can), they usually drag them out into the sea and use them as a staging area and work shop for the fishers and gatherers. There are often SeaClan boats off the shore, but there is no safe harbour here.

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