Full Description
The tree produces wonderful deeply red flowers, faintly resembling actual roses, with what resembles soft white hair around. While not thorny, the flowers then close into hard seeds, the soft hair turns into sharp thorns, making the ground around dangerous. Presumably, it is an adaptation to local reptiles and their hard skin, helping it to stick and be carried to new locations.

To humans, it is a painful thing to pass under the tree in late summer. Most local animals know when to evade it, too. Luckily, a seed stays hard for only a few weeks, a few days at most if it gets wet.

In autumn, the leaves turn to exactly the same red colour, making it stand out among other trees.

Additional Information
Local men like to describe the Rose Tree as a woman, beautiful and tender, but able to wound deeply as well. Some choose this flower when declaring love. Several poems and songs exist, likening pretty girls to the tree, but also warning of their vanity.

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