Full Description
A disgusting bug twice the size of a regular tick,and ten times as voracious, these odious parasites are very common among the unwashed orcs. Not that the orcs mind them greatly, having gotten used to their presence. Some even go so far as to say that the ticks help to keep them healthy by purging their bodies of toxins. All orcs have sworn that it was the presence of these little blood suckers that have rescued them from otherwise fatal diseases. If this is just an orcish belief or a reliable cure for the orcs, none know for certain.
What people do know,is that the ticks carry a virulent blood transmitted illness that only orcs are immune to. Any human who has the misfortune to be bitten by one of these ticks,will suffer a painful death within the space of a week, as was hediously demonstrated during the siege of the border town of Hulart. The wily orc war chief who besieged the town,succeeding in causing the deaths of hundereds of townsfolk when he had his warriors launch numerous clay vessels filled to the brim with the deadly ticks, over the city walls.

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