Full Description
the Marongghovec, or ale-ox, is a large, yak-like animal native to northern Ageratos. It lives on the tundras and plains, eating sweet grasses with its long, sticky tongue. The marongghovec's general features are yak or oxe-like, but their horns are lustrous and red, and they have aforementioned long sticky tongues. In addition, their lower bellies are a distinctive bone-white color (disguised by the shaggy fur) and are ribbed with leathery, thick skin.

The Marongghovec's meat is tough and stringy, and its milk always tastes sour. The animal's true value lies in its mighty strength, equal to that of three normal oxen. A marongghovec is also usually belligerent, stubborn, and generally inflexible beyond its will. There is a way to get past it, and that way is beer. Any good marongghovec-driver will tell you that the best thing to quench ale-ox thirst with is beer, good beer. Upon drinking beer, marongghovec become quite drunk, and are at first doubly belligerent, rearing up proudly on their back-hooves to show off their fine, white bellies; during this early drunken state, a rearing ale-ox may at any moment enter near-paroxysms of rage, and cast about to destroy. But soon afterward, the marongghovec becomes quite stuporously intoxicated, and thense slumborous and stray-minded; they are then quite easily led as a work-beast.

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