
John “Whiney” Winston, was an accountant for a local gambling racket run by “Jimmy the Snake.” Whiney was so named, because he had a habit for whining and complaining, constantly. Eventually after years of poor treatment, lousy pay, and unheard complaints he decided to take a piece of the pie to help make things even, at least in his mind.

Whiney managed to keep all of his doings secret for about a year, amassing a “sweet little fortune” s he called it. Jimmy wouldn’t have noticed anything was amiss if it hadn’t been for Whiney's one glaring tell. Whiney never let anyone else handle his ledgers or adding machine.

Jimmy watched and became more and more suspicious of Whiney's actions. Eventually it bothered him enouf to find out if there was any validity to his suspicions. Jimmy had one of the girls chat up Whiney for a few weeks, luring him into running a way together with what she had discovered was his stash of Jimmy's money. Jimmy didn’t get his name for nothing. The night before Whiney was to take off, a single bullet was all that it took to end his plans.

Soon it was time to hire a new accountant and Jimmy discovered a promising young man, by the name of Jamenson. Everything was fine for a couple of weeks until Jamenson started to complain, just like Whiney did, oddly enough about the same things he used to, in the same way...

Mechanical/ Supernatural Properties:


The adding machine is built to round down to the nearest-smallest denomination during calculations. After each day it can be checked to see how much money to skim so that it wont be missed in the books. The machine is checked by removing the bottom panel and reading a counter.


Whiney died a terribly violent death, his soul wasn’t content, in the least, to leave things as they stood. His soul stayed with the adding machine, to exact his revenge through another. Any accountant using this adding machine will soon develop the talent for cooking books and fell cheated and misused by his employer(s). Eventually Whiney's personality will begin to show through the possessed until they detest their current employer. This is especially bad if their employer is Jimmy the Snake. Accountants, one after another, will attempt to murder Jimmy and the woman who betrayed him. Until Whimey's ghost is satisfied there is little chance he will pass on.

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