
Halleran is tall for a human (5'10') except for her ears she looks almost elfin. She has long jet black hair, even Onyx in color, her eyes are slightly almond shaped and are a clear ice blue, almost white, with small flecks of gold. Her movements come with a certain economy, that of a predator or a hunter. At most times she appears to be a ball of energy, but at times will come off as aloof to strangers.


Born into the world in a small dale beyond the far northern wilderness, Halleran had a unique childhood. Being somewhat adventurers, her parents were rare antiquity merchants, Travel and stories from beyond the dale that they called home was the norm. It was a lucrative yet perilous time for the people of Far Doman. In the past generation the great people of the north have fallen under the black plague of the Lut-Hok(Horde). It was not long before even the peacefull dale that Halleran's family lived in came under the sword. With the family belongings packed high in thier traveling cart, her family fled while her home was aflame. Not more than a few weeks into thier escape thier journey came to an immediate and final ending as they were waylayed by Orcish marauders. Clearly outnumbered Halleran and her parents fled into the forest. The outlaws were relentless in thier pursuits, they could not be satisfied with booty alone, they stalked down the members of the troop, raped and killed in no particular order or reason. Halleran's father was maliciously run down by an orcish warg, her mother brutally raped by her captures. The orc captain forced her to watch as her mother was carnaged and finally killed as an orc split her throat open and sawed it off with his knife.
Halleran's was fate nearly as sealed. Then the brigands began to sprout arrows out of thier backs, moments later the air cried out in agony as quarter-inch thick shafts of wood sprouted from thier malformed bodies. The Orcs tried futily to defend themselves for nearly a half hour as the archer stalked about like a ghost, seemingly being a score of archers at once. In the end what brigands were not slain ran or rode off into the wild.
For the next few years Halleran lived with her godsent rescuer. The mystery archer was none other than one of a handfull of remaining elves in the northern woods. Halleran learned to live as he did; she learned which berries are safe to eat, how to find water, shoot a bow, track an animal, and most importantly how to not be seen or heard. As time passed on she began to love her new life despite the fact that she longed to return to her own people.
The great forest was becoming less wild, it was now within the warlord's dark grip. It was no longer a safe home, even for the timeless elfs. Her rescuer would return to his ancestral homeland. Knowing that Halleran could not journey with him the archer left Halleran in the care of a longtime friend who now lived in the remote land of the Kith.
The village was almost like her old home, there was even a river near her house at the base of the highlands like back home. Bjorn, the township's locksmith/chestmaker, cared for Halleran as his own, his wife having died years before and bearing him no children.
Halleran was always getting into trouble but the Kith did not mind, they called her Blessed by the Forest. She would sneak about the town, or wander off in the woods, hills, or to the river just to look at the stars to try to see if she could still remember the faces of the ones she loved. Sometimes she would forget the time and not come back till dawn or even disappear for days. When not out in the wild she could be found working in her adopted fathers shop tweaking with locks, springs, and the like.

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