The cells in The Grand Castle GriffonStay are perhaps the easiest in the world to escape. Yet, no one ever escapes alive.

The Castle GriffonStay is one of the most unassailable castles in the Greater Realms. It is built in a high fertile valley, guarded by the Castle of the Vale - a curtain wall with towers that spans the narrow valley entrance, with only one gate. The valley supports a number of communities with a winding road that touches each of them and the first guard tower of Castle. The tall near-pinnacle that GriffonStay is built on has three gate towers protecting the treacherous trail to it - Gracious Green, Lunar Kiss, and Snow. The trail is safe enough for a guide and mules at a slow pace, deadly for an army of foot. It is in this great, unobtainable castle, that the most insidious cells in the Greater Realms, if not the world, Cloud Wall.

Cloud Wall is at the base of the Castle. The small cells are carved out of the rock there, three sides into the rock, with the 4th side facing the sky. Enough space that a average man might lay down and even move about if they were very careful. Each cell is exposed to the sky, with the floor slightly sloping downward. The walls, floor, and ceilings are smooth and ungrippable, angled away from the door, designed so no man could climb them. The cells are widely space apart, the howling wind takes any cry or call they might make. A prisoner has nothing in the cell, no furniture and only allowed a soft wood bowl for their meals. (The bowl are shoved through a tiny slot that is opened and closed at the base.) A favored prisoner might have a blanket or cloak, but there is nothing to secure it to.

There is nothing there, except The Blue.

The cells face the open sky. An occasional cloud slides by. The elements visit. The Sun shines directly. It shows one how tiny and insignificant one is against the sea of air. If one stares carefully over the edge, one can see the tiny vale floor so very far below. Most of the time, The Blue is there mocking them. The Blue's wind howls all the time, bringing cold and teasing the prisoner... trying to pull them into The Blue (and the many hundreds foot drop to the stones below). And since the floor slopes, one can never be completely at rest. Some cells slope slightly, others are nearly a slide. If one sleeps too deeply, one might roll off. Fatigue and cold begin to take a toll. Thus The Blue, the madness of the unending sky begins to claim each prisoner. They eventually throw themselves to The Blue because the final embrace is better the cold terror of The Blue while alive. People break under The Blue and the Lords of GriffonStay are careful not to leave a prisoner there too long. Unless of course, they want them to embrace The Blue.

Note: For those prisoners that can fly or have 'unique' abilities, they are not kept in Cloud Wall. The Old Well is barely man sized. Prisoners are lowered to the bottom, to a place they can not sit or lay down. They also pray that no one else needing The Old Well is here at the same time.

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