Nestled between a plateu and a river that soon leads to the sea, is the Elventi city of Anshenestardaywadaden or more literally Place Between Sunset and Falls. The land is somewhat warmer than most Elventi places, a nearly tropical setting. Cascading down off the plateu is the magnificent "Sunset Falls" (the falls face directly west and the end of the minor valley frames sunsets beautifully), a 200 foot fall. It leads to a small pool which spills out into the river. There is a slight valley here, with hills on either side of the small river, which soon flows to a snow white sand beach and the ocean.

All along this "river" is an Elventi city. Like all Elventi cities, it is protected by an invisible dome of magical force, which mutes most of the inclement weather and averages out the temperature inside. (See CityCairns)The large trees on either side of the river are HomeTrees. HomeTrees here are a cross between an Oak Tree and a Redwood. While it is not an evergreen and the leaves will change color in the winter, it will not loose every leaf. These large strong trees are magically scuplted. Rooms and stairwells are created inside burls inside trees. They look totally organic and grown. In actuallity, they are. Every now and again, branches hold "tree huts", small huts camoflauged by branches. The huts are used by the young who have not yet earned a more respectable place inside a tree. Trees and places are connected to each other by bridges made out of woven branches. You would never notice them, if you did not see an occasional Elventi cross them. The city is quite new as Elventi places go. It only has four levels of city, including the ground.

This city has no purpose other than being beautiful. Anshenestardaywadaden is a riot of color, between Elventi magics and the near tropical climate, there are hundreds of beautiful flowers here. Some have been grown to give off a soft glow in the dark. This makes the city beautiful day and night. There are no specific crafts or resources here. There are fish being raised in little marshes that disguise the pens and argiculture embedded in the natural valley plants, but only enough to feed the population here and a few guests. The city is a place of waiting. Almost every sunset, a number of Elventi make their ways to the falls to see the sun set. The founder of the city, the most elder Elventi here, once saw a perfect sunset while standing on the falls. He invited others to wait here with him, waiting for the next one to occur. Thus the city was born. There have been seven nearly perfect sunsets since that first day. Each has been celibrated in poetry. Once another pefect sunset is witnessed, this city is mostly likely to be abandoned... as waiting for a perfect sunset is just a diversion for a century or so.

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