The first generation of GeneFixing was simple, cleaning up hereditary ailments, ending things like cancer, diabetes, Parkinsons, ALS, and a slew of other maladies. This took over a century to accomplish, and created a powerful industry around genetic screening and corrective engineering. The cosmetology industry bloomed into it's own after that. Given the verisimilitude of potential biomodifications, the next step was to create patented and copyrighted 'packages'.

The Packages

The Designer - with the advent of cosmetic genetics, the great design houses found a new industry to grow into. The names are old and known, Vendi, Versace, Armani, Dolce & Gabbana, and many others. These designer packages have certain common factors, copyrighted hair colors, eye colors, certain sculpted features, such as designer noses, eye shape, ear shape, and obviouslty, sexual attributes. Sculpted and optimized breasts, chiseled penises of computer modeled perfection, vaginas idealized and beautiful as O'keefe paintings. The final modification in these packages is a pheromone gland, changing the scent of the person. Rather than a funky musk, a conglomeration of sweat, urea, and the stale detritus of human existence, the pores release designer fragrances. Sweat doubles as perfume. Designer humanity.

The Corporate - the corporations have the ability to create their own signature look and style, allowing them to create their own internal phenotype. Not nearly as extensive as the designer mods, corp mods can range from stylistic for corporate officers, functional for worker level employees and tailored for expression, turning corporate genefixxing into advertising for the corporation.

The Subsidized - paid for from governmental subsidies, subsidized packages are only common in second and third world nations. The package does normal gene fixing, but makes adjustments towards a national ideal or racial paragon. This practice is often decried as genetic nationalism.


The cosmetologist interests found bio-tattooing to be a popularly accepted method of both marking their work as well as advertising it. The trend isn't new. As early as the end of the 20th century, musicians and artists would tattoo their skin with corporate logos, national icons and images, and so forth. The new branding is biologically manifested, ranging in size and prominence as desired by the customer. Generally the larger and more prominent the branding, the better the discount given. Celebrities, artists, models, actors and actresses and other media figures continue this trend. Fakes and forgeries are common. The major designer houses are the most common fakes, as they are the most expensive. Some are clever and well done cosmetic jobs, with fake tags. Others are cheap, creations of ink, and splashes of cologne and perfume.

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