Wyvern's Lure
'ew. What is that smell? Where did it come from?'
'Where did that wyvern come from!'
A very ordinary looking plant this, making most observers think it a common weed. Nothing special about at it all, except it's smell. Giving off a strong stench that sticks to any who come close, this appears to be a mere annoyance but nothing more. Unknown to the adventurer who encounters it though, the smell is actually very simmiliar to that of a wyvern's. This allows the plant to grow lushly, unbothered by grazing animals such as elk that want to avoid the ''wyvern.'' The PC's however, do not know this and will be suprised when animals they encounter, run off in terror upon catching the stench that hangs to them. Horses in particular,will be terrified.It might even draw any wyverns in the area that are determined to deal with the ''intruder.''
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? Responses (5)

I would of called a Wvyrn tail or something else. I am sure people would of quickly figured out the association between them and the wvyrn.
Maybe if there was a reason it was called that, like the person who discovered the smell or that Harral was a mythic Wvyrn tamer or something. The name just comes out of no where.
This stuff would of been rooted out in all civilized places, so it will only grow in the open wilds far from people.

There are some raw spots but I like the idea and I like how you mentioned possible adventure tie-ins.

A good addition for the Whimsical Flora Codex

Simple and nifty!