Full Item Description
The Wand of Hope is a very sacred weapon of light. Used mainly by the 'Goddess of Hope'
Once this weapon was discovered in the 'Holy Ground' along with the 'Staff of Destiny' and the 'Sword of Light', it was at first only a plain old wand. But until the very young 'Goddess of Hope' claimed it she was blessed. The wand grew powerful magic abilities and as the wand grew so did the young Goddess. When the battle of good and evil began the wand was and the girl formed together and formed a half-breed.Legend says that when they formed together, the Goddess's voice filled the air and her voice was so beautiful it turned what was left of the forces of darkness against themselves.

Magic/Cursed Properties
The 'Wand of Hope' has never been cursed cause of the purity it possessed, but, however the sister of the 'Wand of Hope' can be created from doing a simple spell. Once the spell of darkness is complete then the wand will soon enough become the 'Wand of Ruin'. Legend tells us that the wand is only but a part of the destruction of the worlds.