The Twin Orbs of Poverty and Wealth

The Orb of Poverty - Globe of the Thief - Poorest Man's Gem

The infamous Orb of Poverty is a legendary cursed object. It typically appears as a small turquoise gem, rounded and smooth, but not perfectly so. Fascinating imperfections can be found in its surface, each of them is a reservoir of images. The tiny dents and scratches, when held close to the naked eye, depict grand fortunes and vast amounts of physical wealth. One can see coins and gems of all shapes, sizes, materials and colors.

The Orb of Poverty appears to be the sole object of value within the Beggar's Temple, a ramshackle, hole-in-the-wall, soup kitchen in downtown Gheerhardt. In the Beggar's Temple, this single gem sits upon a filthy rag and is revered as a sign from the Gods that there is yet hope for them, for even this tiny gem was once part of a grand treasure and divided from the hoard it can still be beautiful in the eyes of some men.

The Orb is a relic of cosmic balance between the "Haves" and the "Have-Nots." It is said that in the days of old when a certain mortal beggar prayed to The God of Wealth for single gem, he received The Orb of Poverty as his gift. The Orb has long since been a curse and burden to its owners; only recently having found a resting place in the Beggar's Temple.

The Orb of Poverty absorbs any gem or coin carried by its possessor and is impossible to get rid of. Much like most cursed object, it will always find a way to return, so what little wealth you manage to acquire will shorty be taken into the orb and never seen again.

The Orb of the Wealthy - Thieves' Bounty - Richest Man's Gem

The Orb of Wealth lies within the godly realm of the God of Wealth, where it overlooks a grand treasure chamber, a vault of riches beyond mortal imagination, and for many years fed his coin purse with the gems and coins of the accursed "poor." This Orb appears as a fist-sized chunk of lumpy and crag-infested red and black stone that is said to have once been a beating heart inside the chest of an evil dragon.

Whenever an object of value is absorbed into the Gem of Poverty, the Orb of Wealth will pulse with life once more and out will come the purloined treasure, being deposited directly into the hoard of the God of Wealth. Wealth transported in such a manner is typically forever outside the reach of mortals and has been said to be the only way to ensure certain artifacts are never used again.

To break the seemingly endless pouring of treasure into the Wealth God's coffers, all one must do is to freely give away something of great wealth; but not of material wealth. The accursed must part with something they hold dear and in the process give something special to someone else. This could play out in a number of ways, such as performing a service of saving a relative, or even donating a family heirloom to someone in need.

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