Full Description
Sun Hawks are the largest of the Hawks (just short of Eagle sized). Though its size is excessive, the rest of its features fit that of Hawks rather than Eagles. Its native environments is that of the vast river canyons and the surrounding semi-arrid regions. It is highly intelligent (even for a raptor). They tend to live in loose communities, of 3 to 5 bonded pairs (plus 1 or 2 'unattacheds') in a given region. The wing will sometimes hunt together and will feed the occasional injured member. Its strident vocalization can be heard for quite a distance and seems to be used for coordination between members of the wing.

Its hunting behavior as well as its plumage express its name. Sun Hawks are high flyers with very sharp eyes. They will dive out of the sun to either strike, rake, or drive a prey towards other members of the Wing. Together, a wing can take down animals nearly as large as an Elk.

Sun Hawks have distinctive plumage. It is a redish, blond brown that nearly glistens. It shines like gold if the sunlight is right. This coloration (and the size of the feathers) make the feathers highly sought after.

Additional Information
Sun Hawks are used as symbols of faith for the sun worshipers of the region. Their intelligence, ability to fly higher than most animals, and great power, makes them obvious symbolic choices for spirit messengers.

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